“I don’t know. I just have a bad gut feeling that something is about to happen.” I whisper back.
We both get out of the truck, Kayla and Eric come back to help get our stuff out, but I send them inside. I wish I could explain what it is, but I know she shouldn’t be out here. I don't want them outside. I have my phone ready to call Brad and hand it to Addy just in case.
Once the front door clicks shut, Maura steps out from the shadows.
Addy’s hand tenses in mine.
“For fucks sake, Porter, you really shacking up with this one? You had to go and pick the one woman out of your league, and the one who tries just as hard as you to keep my girl away from me, huh? You must really have it out for me,” she spits out.
“Jesus, Maura. You really can’t see when someone is trying to help you, can you? I’m offering to pay for your rehab and you still think I’m just out to get you? To steal Kayla?”
“Fuck you, Porter!” She staggers toward me. “I am her mother. Me. I know what’s best. Give her back to me!”
She’s slurring, and holding a paper bag with an amber glass bottle hanging out the top. How cliche.
She’s just like Mom. Staggering around with her alcohol, the rubber tie she uses to shoot up still on her arm. She had the same upbringing as me, how we ended up polar opposites is beyond me. But it’sprobably the only reason I have as to why I’m still trying to help her, get her into rehab.
And why I haven’t called Brad yet.
The front door whips open and Kayla stomps out into the yard. Eric follows behind her, grasping at the air in her wake, obviously trying to stop her. She is inches from Maura’s face within seconds.
“Stop it! Stop yelling at him! Uncle Porter and Addy are one hundred percent better parents than you ever have been. I don’t wonder if I’ll have food. I don’t wonder if some high asshole is going to try to break in when you aren’t home. I don’t lay awake at night afraid of every noise. You arenota mother. So leave now and don’t come back!” She runs back inside where Eric is waiting for her. I see him pull her in for a hug, and know that he will care for her in the next few minutes until I can get Maura to leave. The parallels between their relationship and mine with Addy is too much. I breathe a sigh of relief as he ushers her back inside, softly closing the door behind them. Ironically, grateful for Eric.
“Maura, I’ve already told you I was getting custody. You showing up here, drunk, or high, maybe both, isn’t helping your case. So again, please listen closely. Either leave, or go to rehab. I’m here when you’re ready for the second.” I turn my back to Maura, take Addy’s hand and walk up the porch into the house.
I take a deep breath before going to Kayla. Seeing Maura set me on edge and I know I need to letSheriff Miller and Stacey know, but first I need to see Kayla and make sure she’s okay.
Addy is already sitting with Kayla on the couch, she is holding Kayla, sobs wrack her small frame. It absolutely guts me that I let this happen. I sit on the other side of her and wrap my arms around both of them. A small voice telling me this is why I'll never deserve them, I can't even protect her at her own home.
Eric takes a cue from the situation and goes to the kitchen to give us a moment under the guise of getting Kayla something to drink. It makes me respect him just a little bit more as a man.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Addy asks her while stroking her hair back from her tear streaked face.
“No. She’s a shitty mom, and I just want her to leave me alone if she isn’t going to change.” The three of us pull apart.
“I just want to watch a movie with Eric if you guys don’t mind?” She says, looking to me for approval.
If there is anyone who understands how she feels right now, it’s me.
“Of course we don’t mind. You snuggle in, I’ll get Eric, and send in some snacks.” Addy smiles at her. I give her another hug and follow Addy to the kitchen.
I wrap an arm around her waist and whisper into her ear, “I need to go call Sheriff Miller. I’m going to go up to my room so Kayladoesn’t have to hear.”
She kisses my cheek and I leave her alone in my kitchen.
I dial Sheriff Miller’s number, and it only rings once before he picks up.
“Hey, Son. What can I do for ya?” He answers.
“Hey, Sheriff. I just wanted to let you know that Maura showed up at the house tonight. She was high, or drunk, or both I’m not sure. But she confronted me and accused me of stealing Kayla again.”
“Damn that woman. I wish she’d see what she’s doing to that girl.” He curses.
“Me too. But I gave her the same ultimatum tonight, leave us alone, or go to rehab. I think we both know she won’t choose either.” I tell him. I pace around my room, rubbing my hand through my hair, making it stick up on its ends.
“I’ll find her, don’t you worry anymore. I’ll let her sleep it off and then I’ll try to talk some sense into her tomorrow again when she’s sober.”
“Thanks, can you do me one more favor?”