Page 56 of Everything I Desire

“You name it.” The man I know now, is not the man I’ve had in my head for years. If I could have just gotten out of my way when I was younger I would have seen that he wanted to help me in his own way.

“Could you just let Stacey know. I don’t really want to rehash it again. She can call me if she needs to tomorrow.”

“Sure can. She’s at the house now so don’t you worry. I’ll send Brad out right now too. Hopefully she’s still close by and he can bring her in.”

“Thank you. Tell Stacey and Brad thank you also.” I hang up as Addy walks into the bedroom carrying a bowl of popcorn.

“Thanks, baby.” I pull her down on my lap.

“I brought you some popcorn, figure we can watch a movie in here to give them some privacy.”

I scoff, “They don’t need privacy, they need-”

“Porter. They do. Kayla is upset and she doesn’t want us, or an audience. Let Eric do for her like I did for you.” She stares at me letting me know this is final.

“Fine.” I whine. I don’t want to admit it, but she’s right. I never needed anyone but her when shit went down.

We settle in on my bed and pick a movie. But I leave my door open so I can hear what’s going on downstairs. I still don’t trust teenage boys, good intentions or not.

“Stop worrying. He’s a good kid.”

I mock her in response.

She laughs at me and hits play on the movie, when I turn the volume down more she stares at me and can’t keep a straight face.

“I love this protective dad thing you have going on.” She kisses my cheek and snuggles into my side.

“Yea. It’s awesome.” I say grumpily.

Sheriff Miller: We found Maura. Brought her in. She’s definitely high and drunk. I’m going to have a good talkin’ to with her in the mornin’. Don’t worry, Son.

Me: Thanks. Keep me posted.

I lean back into my pillows and feel the tension leave my body. Even if it’s just for the night I don’t have to worry about Maura coming back to start more shit.

“Mmm you just relaxed. Who was that?” She’s so attuned to my body’s reactions I shouldn’t be surprised she notices the minute the stress leaves me.

“Maura is in jail for the night. I know that shouldn’t relax me and it probably makes me a bad person but she won’t be back to bother Kayla. Or be able to overdose later.” I lean my head on top of hers.

“You’re not a bad person because you’re looking out for your niece and sister. You’re a good man, Porter.” She lays her head back on my chest, finishing the conversation on that.

I don’t know what I’ve done in this life to deserve the angel sitting with me, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to deserve her.

Chapter Twenty-One


I’m working in my classroom, trying to get ready for end of the year report cards, and all the activities that take away my class time before the students show up for homeroom. I’ve been slacking at home because I finally have Porter back. I don’t want to waste any time with him. I feel like we have so much time to make up together.

A knock sounds on my door and I roll my eyes. I do not have time for visitors today.

“Come in!” I yell cheerfully, ever the actor here at school.

Stacey opens the door a little bit and pokes her head in, “Hey, sorry to bother you, I know if your door is shut you’re busy. But I want to talk to you about Porter and Kayla’s case.”

“Oh yea, of course, come in.” She walks through the door and shuts it behind her, locking it.

Oh it’s that kind of meeting.