She takes a seat at the desk in front of mine. “So. I know this is a big ask. And I’ve already talked to Porter about it yesterday, but he was adamant thathe was not, under any circumstances, doing what I’m about to suggest.” She bites her lip, a nervous habit she can’t hide.
“If he doesn’t want to do it, why are you asking me?” I ask her, genuinely curious how she thinks I can help.
“Well the judge assigned to our hearing, he’s real traditional. And since Porter is a single bachelor on paper, he might not look kindly on separating a young girl from her mother for a single uncle.” She pauses.
“So where do I come in? You need me to write a statement that we are dating?” I ask.
“More like I asked Porter if you guys would be willing to get married. If it isn’t going that way, I apologize, and if it is, you guys could always just do a courthouse thing don’t tell anyone. But it would really help his case, Adelaide,” she pleads.
“And he was adamantly against it?”
Well, that hurts a little bit. I know we haven’t discussed marriage since it’s so soon but he has to know I’d do anything to help him. He didn’t even mention anything about it to me last night.
“I don’t think it’s like that, Adelaide. Really, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to cause issues. I just wanted to see if you’d talk to him about it. He might listen to you more than me.” She stands and places a hand on my arm. “Please. I want to have every advantage for Kayla we can.”
I nod, “I’ll try to talk to him.” I choke out, tears forming behind my eyes.
Once she leaves, I pull out my phone to text our girls group chat.
Me: Girls Night. Tonight. My place. Bring the junk food. >
Scarlett: Oh shit. I’ve got the ice cream.
Lacey: I’m calling Mom for cookies.
Lauren: I’ll grab pizza.
Damn. The tears flow freely. I don’t know why it hurts so bad that he adamantly refuses to marry me to help his case. It’s not like it’s something we have even talked about. Logically I know that we shouldn’t get married to just to help him get custody. But did he have to hide it and automatically reject the idea?
The bell rings and I need to get out to my door to greet students. I swipe my cheeks, take a big sip of coffee and fan my face on the way to the door. I plaster on my biggest smile and open the door.
“Good morning!” I sing-song, greeting the small line of students that formed.
My front door swings open and all three girls tumble in, their arms full of wine and junk food.
“What’s the emergency?” Scarlett asks immediately.
I break down into tears again, telling them what Stacey asked, and what she told me this morning.
Lacey, the voice of reason, asks, “Have you talked to him? I mean it hasn’t been that long that you’ve been back together. Maybe he doesn’t want to scare you off. Everyone can tell by how that man looks at you that he’d marry you in a heartbeat and have a hundred babies.”
“Yea, Addy. Porter loves you. There’s no way he’s against marriage.” Lauren chimes in.
“Then why won’t he marry me to save his case with Kayla?” I cry out.
“Addy, did you ever stop to think that maybe he wants to marry you because you want to marry him and not because he knows you would do anything to help Kayla?” Scarlett asks.
I wipe at my eyes, and stare at her. “Why do you have to make sense.” I say after a minute of thinking.
That does actually sound like something Porter would do, and had crossed my mind, but I was still hurt by it.
“I know. It’s really a burden being the one who holds this family together.” We all laugh at Scarlettand they pile together around me on the couch for a hug.
“Okay, okay, enough tears. We have pizza.” Lacey says going into the kitchen. She pulls out paper plates and we all grab some slices before coming back to the couch.
“So. Lauren. Anything you want to share with the group about where you went to with Brad the other night?” I ask. Her cheeks redden with embarrassment, and Lacey nudges her side with her elbow.
“Yea, Lauren. Share with the group.”