I frowned, opening my mouth to apologize, especially since I knew how tiring Logan’s job could be, but Spencer spoke up before I could.
“You can’t sleep all day,” my son scolded, though his tone was soft and gentle.
“But I’m fuckingtired,” Logan groaned, still not bothering to open his eyes. “You know this week was rough.”
“Lot of cars?” I asked, spinning my chair around to give Logan my attention.
Logan nodded. “Yeah.” He drew in a deep breath, his shoulders rising almost to his ears before they fell again, making him sink deeper into my couch cushions. He groaned. “Group of college kids thought they could race.” He snorted. “Didn’t turn out well.”
“You say that like you’re not the same age as the rest of us,” Spencer called from the kitchen, exasperation in his tone. I snickered.
A smirk twitched at Logan’s lips. “I’m a little older than you, pretty boy. And I’m also not in college.”
I could just picture Spencer rolling his eyes, and my lips tilted up at the corners in amusement. Logan liked to push everyone’s buttons, but when he didn’t, we knew he was spiraling. Since I’d pushed him into therapy when he was in high school, his spirals were much less frequent now—hardly at all. What had happened to him was traumatic, but he pulled through, just as I knew he would.
The image of him in that hospital bed still haunted me. I could only imagine how he felt as the victim.
“Alright,” Spencer said, coming out of the kitchen with a small tray loaded with sandwiches and bags of chips. He set the tray on the coffee table before flopping down beside Logan. I reached forward and snagged a sandwich and a bag of chips. “Lunch is served.”
“Thanks, kid,” I told him. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten, which was unlike me. Christ, Zeppelin and Eros were making me lose my damn mind.
“What’s going on with you?” Spencer asked, frowning at me.
I bit back a grimace. Was I that obvious? I used to be able to hide everything from him that I was feeling. I hadn’t wanted to burden him. When did he become so intuitive?
“Nothing’s going on,” I told him, hoping he would drop it. But no such luck because of course not. He was my son, after all. He was going to pry, just like I would.
Spencer cast me a disapproving look that reminded me so much of his mother, my chest ached a little. She used to give me that same look when I did something she didn’t approve of, too. Or when I hid something from her that was stressing me out.
“Dad, don’t lie to me.” I huffed, feeling like a scolded child. “Something is off. Something has been off since you moved here. Are you not adjusting well? Did something happen? What’s going on?”
Ash meowed and jumped into my lap, nuzzling against my arm. I tore off a piece of bread and fed it to her, avoiding Spencer’s eyes on me. “Dad…” Spencer said, his tone soothing, “you’re worrying me.”
“Yeah, I got dragged out of bed this morning for this talk,” Logan griped before biting into his sandwich. I looked over at him, catching Spencer’s scowl in his direction as I did so. Logan shrugged. “What?” he asked with a mouthful of food, looking at Spencer with a frown as he chewed.
“You are such a pain in the ass,” Spencer hissed.
Logan smirked and swallowed his bite of food. When he opened his mouth to retort an answer that was more than likely not appropriate for me to hear, Spencer and I both said at the same time, “Don’t.”
“God,” Logan groaned, flopping his head against the back of the couch. “You two take the fun out ofeverything.”
Spencer looked at me, ignoring his whining boyfriend. “Stop evading the question, Dad. What’s going on?”
I sighed and scrubbed my free hand down my face, my appetite officially gone. Leaning forward—and being careful not to knock Ash off my lap—I set the sandwich back on the tray and tossed the bag of chips onto the table. I wasn’t even hungry anymore. Was I ever hungry to begin with? Fuck if I knew.
“When I took Ash to the vet for the first time, the veterinarian… flirted with me. And I was… attracted to him.” Logan was watching me now, too, his tired eyes looking a little more alert. “When his, I think husband, came in, he flirted with me, too. And I’m…” I sighed. “I’m attracted to him, too.”
I rubbed my hand over Ash’s back, unable to look at my two boys. Ash was still itty-bitty, but she was getting a little bigger. Proven when she purred and pushed into my hand roughly, turning in a circle to repeat the process all over again.
“I was confused by my attraction to them, to say the least,” I continued. “I’ve always thought I was straight. Never been attracted toanyoneof the same gender before. So, I went to a gay bar down by the college. I got hit on quite a fucking bit?—”
“Of course, you did,” Logan said, smirking. Spencer punched him in the arm. Logan whined and then pulled Spencer into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Spencer just melted into him.
“Anyway, I got hit on a lot,” I continued, narrowing my eyes at Logan,daringhim to give another smart ass remark. “But not a single soul there was attractive to me—not in the way Eros and Zeppelin had been. There were a lot of good-looking guys at the bar, but none that made me…”
“Want to fuck?” Logan interjected in what he probably thought was a helpful manner.
I rolled my eyes. “Uhm… yeah. We’ll go with that,” I said, shrugging.