Page 11 of Give Me Three

“So, you’ve been short with all of us and weird all week because of some gay-for-you kind of shit?” Logan asked like it was such a dumb matter. Spencer shot him a glare. He shrugged. “I know you’re not against poly relationships. Your son is in one, and you never judged the three of us—just told me and Ezra to take care of Spencer. So, what’s the big deal?”

“I’ve always been straight,” I told him in a duh tone.

Logan rolled his eyes. “So? You can be attracted to both sexes at the same time, Jaxon. Hell, you can be pan and have no preference for gender at all and just roll with the fucking flow. Or you can only be attracted to two men in a freak gay-for-them kind of moment. Sexuality isneverblack and white, dude. I mean, look at Ezra. He’s currently having some pan-awakening moment.”

“He is?” I asked, frowning. Worry for him tightened my chest. “Is he… okay?”

Spencer nodded, his head still resting on Logan’s chest. “Yeah, he’s handling it well.” Spencer shot me a playful smile. “A hell of a lot better than you are.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m forty-three years old, kid,” I reminded him.

Spencer shrugged. “So? Men in their fifties and sixties are figuring out they’re gay and bi, too. We’re always changing and evolving, Dad. Just… roll with the flow,” he suggested. “See what happens. Worst case scenario, there’s nothing there, you have afling with two other attractive men, and you move on with your life. Or best case scenario, Zeppelin and…”

“Eros,” I supplied when he looked at me expectantly.

“And Eros heal what Mom tore open when she passed away.”

I swallowed thickly, looking back down at Ash, who had curled into a ball on my thigh. “I don’t know if I’m ready to do that,” I confessed, looking back up at them.

Logan shrugged and let his eyes meet mine, pain and something much darker lingering in their depths. “Sometimes, pushing through is the best thing you can ever do for yourself.”

And I knew ifanyoneknew what it was like to do something that was terrifying and might lead to a dark and dangerous spiral, I knew it was Logan.



It was Sunday—a day I usually didn’t work. Yet there I was… fucking working. All because doing nothing left me with too much time to muse over Logan and Spencer’s words and suggestions. I didn’t know what in the hell to do about this weird attraction I had to Eros and Zeppelin, and I was no closer to figuring it out now than I was yesterday. Logan made it sound so simple, but it wasn’t. Not at my age.

I rubbed at my tired eyes. I’d barely gotten any sleep last night because I’d—yet again—had another of those fucking dreams. In this one, Eros was beneath me, my cock deep in his ass, and Zeppelin was fucking me so hard that he was managing to make me fuck Eros, too. I’d actually come in my fucking pants whileasleep, which was a sticky, irritating mess to deal with.

What the fuck was I supposed to do about this?

I leaned back in my chair, and the creak of it filled the otherwise silent room. The numbers on my screen were beginning to blur together, and my eyes were burning. My ass had pinpricksrunning through it, and my legs were stiff. How long had I been sitting here? Flicking my eyes to the clock to the right of my laptop, I grimaced.

I’d been sitting here for three hours straight. Christ. I needed coffee—lotsof coffee. And I needed to stretch and move around.

With a grunt, I stood from my chair, wincing at the pain in my back. I cast a glance at my old, worn computer chair. Maybe I should invest in another one. But then, that was money I didn’t want to spend. I wasn’t hurting for money by any means, but I did hate buying shit I didn’t want to buy. And I didn’t particularly want to buy a desk chair.

The doorbell rang just as I was about to pick up my coffee mug to take to the kitchen. Sighing, I dropped my hand back to my side and went to go see who was bothering me. If it was Spencer, Logan, or Ezra, they would’ve knocked once and then just walked in. I’d always made it clear they didn’t ever have to knock. This house was their home whether they’d settled into an apartment together or not. Sometimes, they just walked on in. Most of the time, they chose to remain “respectful” and announce their arrival.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I growled when I swung open the front door.

Zeppelin grinned at me and held up a bag of food that smelled so good, my stomach loudly growled. “Hello to you, too,” he said in a taunting tone.

“Why are you two here?” I asked, looking at Eros since he was likely to be the more sensible one between the two of them.

Eros smiled at me—a soft smile that made my gut clench. Fuck, why did he have to be so fucking nice? Why couldn’t he be acocky asshole like his husband? It would make it easier to brush them off.

“You wouldn’t go out with us and kept blowing us off,” Eros answered. “So, we thought we’d bring lunch to you.”

I gritted my teeth. “I said I wasn’t interested,” I growled, tightening my fingers around the door handle. I was already drowning just by being in their mere presence. Now, they expected me to sit through a meal with them? I didn’t know how to handle this. Dating had always been so easy, but the people I dated werewomen. Not men I was having a gay-for-them crisis over.

Zeppelin arched a brow at me. “Are you really going to turn us away after we drove thirty minutes to pick up this food, had to send your plate back to be remade because it was wrong, and then drove over here to see you?”

I winced. Well, when he put it like that…

Fuck you, Zeppelin.