“I’m afraid not.” I smile with a shake of my head.
“As awesome as this moment should be. And it really is. I’ll get to that in a moment. But I’m supposed to be meeting someone back here. His name is Jeff. Do you know him?”
“Jordyn, right?”
Her eyes widen and her body goes rigid when I say her name, “Um, yes?”
“Jeff won’t be coming. You’re here to meet me. I’m your date.”
“You’re. My. Date?” she asks slowly. “Wait, no you’re not. This is some kind of joke.”
“I am. I’m your date tonight.”
“And you’re not Jeff.”
“Correct.” I nod. “Last time I checked, I’m not Jeff.”
“You’re Asher Knight.”
“Nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand to her.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” She looks at my hand, then my face.
I invite her into the room and direct her to the couch. I grab water from the mini-fridge on the counter and sit beside her.
“Here.” She takes the bottle from me and untwists the top to take a large sip.
“Oh my God. I was catfished.” She mumbles. “I jinxed myself and was catfished. Not like this isn’t amazing. And oh shit, I’m acting like a blubbering idiot in front of you. Shit. I’m sorry. But I wasn’t expecting to see you. You’re not Jeff.”
“You keep mentioning that. Not Jeff. How did you get my number?” I ask.
“You, I mean, Jeff gave it to me. Oh my God. Was it you? Were you pretending to be Jeff because you know you’reyou?” she looks at me with embarrassment.
“No. The first I’ve talked to you was when you sent me a text last week.”
“This is so embarrassing.” She puts her head in her hands.
“Nah, it’s fun,” I say, standing. I walk over to the counter and grab a beer. “So, Jordyn fromJingle. Now that the initial shock has worn off, welcome to the show.”
She laughs awkwardly.
“I’m the same guy that you’ve been texting with all week. I may not be this Jeff guy, but I’m hoping that you will forgive me for that.”
“You’re Asher Knight.” She repeats. “You’re a rock God.”
“No. I mean, yes, I’m Asher Knight, but I’m just a regular guy.”
“I can’t believe this.”
“Best first date ever?”
“Is this a date?”
“I’d very much like it to be,” I tell her.
“The most shocking first date I’ve ever had. I have so many questions. But wait, you have to go on stage soon.”
“I do.” I nod.