“What am I supposed to be doing?”
“Watching the show, of course. You just get to watch from the side of the stage, that’s all.”
“This is surreal.” She shakes her head.
She relaxes, and we get some initial ‘get to know you’ questions out of the way. After a few minutes, she’s a little more at ease. But time moves too quickly and my presence is being requested. The opener for our show tonight just finished and our crews are swapping everything set for the show.
I stand and hold my hand out to her. She places hers in mine and it fits perfectly. I pull her up and we’re standing a foot away from one another.
“After the show, we usually go out to eat. I would very much like it if you would come out with us?”
She looks up at me and smiles. “I could do that.”
I squeeze her hand. “Okay, so I’ll show you where you can stand and watch the show. I know now I’m rushing you. Are you okay with all this?”
“I think so.” She nods.
“Good. Come on. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the guys. I think Tammy and Bianca will be out there too. They’re Tate and Davey’s girlfriends. They’re cool. You’ll like them.”
I turn towards the mirror and check my reflection. I push my hand through my hair and straighten my shirt, then turn around to face her.
“How do I look?”
“Serious? You look great. I mean, you look good. Yeah.”
“I’ll take that.” I wink at her, hold my hand out to her again, and then we leave my dressing room.
Jordyn’s hand stays within mine as I wind her through the backstage area. We come to a large space where the rest of the guys are standing around. Davey has his arms around his girlfriend, Tammy, who is talking to Tate’s girlfriend Bianca. Tate stands off to the side with Mike and they all look up as we approach.
“Is this her?” Tate asks.
“Jordyn, this is everyone. That’s Tate, Davey, Mike, Bianca, and Tammy. Guys, this is my date, Jordyn.”
Everyone smiles and greets her with genuineness. The girls each pull her in for a hug, and then I’m pulling her back to stand beside me, with my arm around her shoulders.
Even though I just introduced her, I can tell that she fits in with this misfit crew. Her awkwardness is gone. She’s bubbly and friendly. She’s easy-going, and she’s talking to everyone as if she’s known us forever and we’re not one of the biggest bands in the world. Each second that ticks by makes me like her more.
“Ash has been talking about you all week. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Tate says.
“He’s been talking about me?” she asks, looking at me.
“You’ve got to understand. We’ve been to two cities since you accidentally texted him. If he’s not on stage, his face is stuck in his phone. He even signed up for that dating app just to do his research on you.” Bianca says.
“Research?” She looks at us all.
“I needed to know a little something about the random chick texting me.” I shrug.
“So you knew, me texting you was an accident, and you said nothing?”
“And ruin the fun?” My arm pulls her a little closer to me. Her side is crushed against mine, and I can’t help but think of other ways our bodies can be crushed upon each other as I’ve got a quickening in my stomach at her closeness, a feeling that is new to me.
“Alright guys, are we ready to rock it tonight?” Paddy, our tour manager, asks stepping up to the group.
I turn to Jordyn and smile. “I hope you enjoy the show. Head over with Tammy and Bianca. They’ll give you the rundown.” I want to lean down and kiss her, but I think I’ve given her enough of a shock for the time being. She looks up at me, expectantly,and hesitates, then a moment later, Bianca is pulling her arm and dragging her to where they will stand and watch the show.
I turn to my bandmates and they’re all standing with their arms crossed, ready to roast me.
“She’s cool,” Davey says.