Page 16 of Never Wed an Outlaw

Ready to scream my name when I frigged her clit so hard she squirted all over my balls.

“Darlin', the sheets are getting cold. I know you need the sleep. If you're still pondering the ifs, ands, and buts in your sweet head, you can stop. Here's some collateral so you know I'm going by my word.”

I sat up and stretched. She watched me stand, throwing off my cut, working on my belt. I stripped to my boxers, only thing I still had on that wasn't soaked, pulling out my knife and gun before I let my jeans hit the floor.

“Here,” I growled, stepping up to her, holding out my weapons. “You can hang onto these for the night, if they'llmake you feel better. If you think my word ain't good enough, you're welcome to stick a bullet or a blade wherever you think it'll hurt the most the minute I put a finger on you.”

She grabbed the weapons weakly, shaking her head. “Dusty...fine. You're a good man, and you've been around long enough for me to know that, without any doubt. I trust you. That's not the problem.”

“No?” I said, cocking my head. “Then what the fuck is?”

We locked eyes. Must've stared into each other's souls for a solid minute, her not saying shit, but her eyes giving me enough hints.

She wouldn't tell me outright. I watched as she broke the gaze first, shuffling to the other side of the bed, laying my gun and knife down on the nightstand next to her. I listened to wet, slippery clothes coming off skin.

Damn if my cock didn't throb each time I heard something hit the floor. I hated having to make that fuckin' promise not to touch her, knowing I'd catch seven kinds of hell if I ever broke my word, inside and out.

No, I knew what was eating her. She wanted it as bad as I did, but for some reason, the girl was too afraid to admit it.

“You can turn around now,” she said.

I did, and saw her in bed, the sheet bundled tightly around her. A second later, I crashed down next to her, ready to focus all my attention on shutting up the lust churning in my veins.

“I don't mean to lead you on, Dust. You know as wellas I do what could happen if we get too friendly, go too far...wouldn't be good for either one of us, much less your club.” She spoke softly in the darkness, almost a whisper, like she was afraid to finally hammer down the truth.

She swallowed, but something hard and bitter caught in her throat. “Please don't hate me. I really do appreciate the ride home, and stopping here tonight, just for me. After Huck, I think you're the best man I know wearing that patch, though all of you are pretty great. I –“

“Darlin' – hush.” Reaching across the bed, I put my finger gently against her lips. “We've got nothing else to talk about 'til mornin'. You just get your beauty sleep, and I'll stroke myself off for being the biggest, baddest looking guardian angel you ever met.”

That got a laugh outta her. Fuck, her sounds were so sweet, so innocent, so good they touched my heart for a micro-second instead of just that hard-on I pushed into the mattress, trying to stamp it out.

“Goodnight, Dusty,” she said.

“'Night, babe. I've got an alarm set to wake us up by eleven to check out.”

A little while later, I laid there wide awake in the darkness, listening to her softly breathing in her sleep.

Couldn't shake the truth she said because it was the same thing I knew deep down inside. Hannah Davis was too damned good for any man in this club.

I knew it, she knew it, and so did her big brother. If she ever crossed a line she shouldn't, or anybody else did, my Enforcer would be ready to jerk their spine outta their skin,even if that person outranked him.

Exactly what he ought to do as her big brother. No, fuck, I had to keep it in my pants with her. Didn't need the drama or the trouble with war on the horizon in a few more months.

Wouldn't be long 'til I came back through these parts, my club at my back, riding against the wind and into the bloodbath ahead. We'd take out the Deads, win ourselves a trade route with Blackjack's Grizzlies or Throttle's Devils, or we'd all die trying.

The club's problems were a nice distraction from fucking the beauty sprawled out next to me. I focused on them harder when she rolled in her sleep, moving toward me. Shit, now her half-naked skin pressed against mine, with nothing but a sheet between us.

I'd been tortured a few times on runs that went bad, and they weren't half as rough as this. Had to think of anything that wasn't Hannah's fuck-worthy ass wedged dangerously close to my dick, and I had to do it fast.

Sometime before sunup, I heard my old man's voice. Early always came to me in my dreams, day or night, whenever I didn't shut his evil ass down with Doctor Jack or Jim.

I can't believe this shit. You always were an indecisive fuckin' pussy, Danny.

Sleeping with this fine bitch – just fuckin' sleeping with her – proves I was right. Hard to believe I left my club in the hands of a boy who don't even know how to use his dick like a man.

Rage coursed through me. Wanted to walk up to thecorner where I saw his shadow talking to me, grab him by the throat, and spit in his big, bearded face.

Next time I looked over, he was gone. The fuck always disappeared before I could tell him how wrong he was, or how I was sick and tired of hearing his twisted shit.