Page 15 of Never Wed an Outlaw

I didn't think twice while I swerved in, ramming my bike into one of the empty spaces. Hannah's nerves were too fried to get up when I told her to.

“Let's go, babe. Let me help.” She didn't fight me when I reached for her hands, pulled her off the seat, and into my arms.

Practically carried her inside while we moved into the dingy little front office. There was nobody at the register, so we stood there waiting. My arms were still around her, and I swore when I realized it.

“Shit. I'm sorry, I saw the storms coming when I checked the weather this afternoon. Thought we could beat 'em. Also didn't think hell itself was opening up and dumping the whole fuckin' sea on us.”

Another lightning bolt stabbed through the sky above the parking lot, drowning every other sound in savage thunder. My grip on her softened, sliding down toward her hips, palming that little nook near her belt line, where some man was gonna be lucky to put a kid one day.

“We'll wait this out, darlin'. Won't hit the road 'til it stops and the weather report on my phone says the coast is clear. You okay?” I asked.

“Not if you think I'm getting back on that bike tonight!” She spun, jerking away from me, her back going flat against the wall. She sighed, pushing her wet bangs out of her face, big blue eyes softening. “Look, I'm sorry, Dusty. I really am. It's been a long trip. I'm tired, burned out, and it looks likethere's no chance I'll get home anytime before four in the morning.”

Seeing her freak the fuck out didn't even bother me. I stepped up slowly, a smile on my lips, letting my eyes roam her throat and her face.

This time, I took her softly in my arms. Reached out, cupped her chin, and softly pushed my fingertips into her skin.

“Ain't a problem. We can get ourselves a room here tonight, and wait for mornin'. It's just a short hop home from here. An hour, maybe an hour and a half. None of the boys are gonna miss my ass for a few more hours.”

Nodding softly, she pulled away from me, and stepped up to the counter, ringing the bell. A small, older man stepped out of the little room behind the desk a few seconds later.

We made our arrangements quick. One room for us to share, the best he had in this run down pit stop, deserted thanks to the storm. Going for two would've been risking roaches or bed bugs, but Hannah asked about it, telling me she'd pay for everything.

I leaned in, whispering my worries in her ear. Bugs seemed to set her on edge, so she agreed to one. Took every fiber in my bones not to get up in arms about that. But I gave her a pass to soothe things over, watching as she slipped the man her card to run.

I gave the lazy little fuck behind the counter a dirty look. Too many off-the-books shit motels like this had fucked over my club. Not so long ago, we had more dirty bars,motels, trucker spas, and whorehouses in the mountains. Same place Skinny Boy had rescued his old lady, Meg, from.

“It's straight down the hall, sir. Last door on your right,” the owner said. Hannah grabbed her bag and walked off before she heard the last part. “Only one bed, I'm afraid. Our spare cots are busted right now, so I can't offer any help.”

“Forget it. We'll live,” I told him, before I took off, heading for the room with the keys in my hand.

Yeah, we'll live. Assuming laying next to the hottest little ass I've wanted in years doesn't make me have a stroke tonight.

I didn't say shit to Hannah, stepping past her to unlock the door. Let her find out our dilemma once she opened it, turned on the light, and we stepped into the tiny room.

It was cleaner than I'd expected. I made the rounds, looking for any signs of screwed up locks on the windows that could make it easy for anyone to get in, or bugs waiting behind the headboard.

Nothing. Small favors went a long way tonight.

“Well...this is justgreat,isn't it?” she said quietly, looking at me as I flopped down on the mattress. “You're going to take the whole thing yourself?”

I lifted my head, mischief beading in my eyes. “Nope. We're sharing the bed, darlin'.”

“Sharing?!” Damn if her cheeks didn't go rosy red when she turned her head. “You know that isn't going to work. We can't forget what happened at the wedding...”

“I remember just fine, Hannah. Told you, I ain't doing shit to you, if you don't beg. I'm the one in control,remember? You're not getting so much as another kiss 'til you're good and ready. So, you can come on over, take off those wet clothes, and get some shut eye.”

For a second, she stood there like a statue. Staring me down, one hand perched on her hip, wondering if she can trust me not to tear off her clothes the instant she laid down next to me.

Truth be told, it wouldn't be easy keeping these hands, this mouth, and this cock to myself. Thankfully, age had its advantages, like helping a man save the fire and brimstone for the times when he finally sunk into a pussy craving every inch of him.

Blue balls had nothing on my word.

I swore on everything I had I wouldn't fuck this chick 'til she was good and ready. Yes,ready.

Ready to whimper.

Ready to moan.