“It’s all right,” he said, getting up. “I’ve got some calls I can make anyway.” Alex caught me in his arms when I got off the bed. “I just wish we had more time in this room.” Sliding his hand over my ass, he pressed me into him.
I allowed myself a moment to feel his strong shoulders, breathe in his fresh scent, but then his mouth was on mine, and I gave in to him. His kiss was hungry, but he didn’t move to take it further, probably because he knew we werepressed for time. When one of his hands teased along my hip, I couldn’t deny either of us any longer. I pulled back and gazed up at him as I released the tie on my robe.
Alex slipped it off my shoulders and gaped at my naked body in front of him. “Damn, baby…”
Chapter 23
“Listen, I’m sorry to cut this short,” I told the private investigator, “but someone just walked into my office. Do what you can for now and let me know what you find out.” I ended the call and had just set the phone down on my desk when Dax came running toward me and took a flying leap into my lap.
It wasn’t unusual for Sammy to stop by my office unannounced, but I didn’t want to explain why I had been on the phone with a PI. After seeing my mother and telling Ava everything, I decided to do a little digging and see what I could find out about her. But that didn’t mean I was ready to share my story with everyone in the family.
Still, a twinge of guilt sat in my gut about keeping this—not to mention that I was seeing his sister—from my best friend. There’d never been anybody in my life that I was as close to as I was Sammy. But now that he had family and so many responsibilities, we had drifted apart some, which was why I never minded these surprise visits.
I stood up with Dax in my arms and walked him over to the top shelf of my bookcase. He knew when he came here that he got to have a mini bag of peanut M&Ms because we had a gentleman’s agreement that he would behave in my office. It definitely was not a bribe.
Once he snagged one from the jar, I set him down, and he ran over to the small table. He climbed up into the chair as I closed the distance between Sammy and me. We gave each other a quick hug and slap on the back, and when we pulled apart and exchanged a grin, I said, “Hey, man. Good to see you.”
“Yeah, seems like we’ve both been too busy to check in, and since Dax and I were on our own today, I thought I’d stop by.”
I knew the guy well enough to be able to tell when he wasn’t putting it all out there, so I narrowed my eyes at him. “Glad you did, but are you sure that’s all there is?” My pulse spiked the second I finished speaking. Why the hell would I prompt him to talk when there were things I couldn’t talk about? I was asking for trouble.
“Actually, I ran into someone at Dax’s preschool today.”
“Oh yeah?” I showed him a dubious expression. I sensed where this was going. Sammy and Cass were forever trying to find me a wife, so we could all have dinners at each other’s houses and go on storybook vacas together.
He glanced at the table to check on his son. “Guess who just started teaching at the preschool?”
I was already behind the eight ball from missing a day of work, so I didn’t really have time for games. “Why don’t you just tell me.” I sat on the edge of the table and stole a yellow M&M from Dax. My little buddy never got mad about it—he actually liked it, and he let out an adorable giggle.
Sammy went to reach for a red one, and Dax scooted his pile away.
I laughed and then gave Dax a fist bump.
Shaking his head, Sammy said, “Do you remember Denise Moreno?”
I grinned at the memories that name drew from me. “No way. Denise is back in town? I thought she moved away?”
“Yeah, she’s been back a few months now.” He flashed a huge smile. “We only talked for a few minutes, but sheasked about you.”
Denise and I had never dated, but she was sweet and hot, and we both knew I’d been attracted to her. Only reason I never asked her out was because she’d always been with someone. What was I supposed to say that wouldn’t make Sammy suspicious? “And…”
“And…this is your chance to ask her out.” He pulled his phone from his back pocket and my pulse quickened.
I stood abruptly. “Bro, you didn’t tell her I’d call, did you?”
He glanced up from the phone, brows raised. “I mean no, but…” He shrugged. “She gave me her number, so…”
“She’s expecting me to reach out.” My tone was defensive, but I couldn’t help it.
“What’s the big deal?” He tilted his head and stared at me silently for a few beats, then said, “So, you are seeing someone. What the hell, who is she?”
I shook my head and grabbed another M&M to stall.
“Daddy said ‘hell,’” Dax said to me, his face strained and confused.
“I know. I heard him.”