Page 42 of We Never Kissed

Sammy sat down next to his son. “Why do you hear everything except what Mommy and Daddy want you to?”

“Huh?” He tilted his head. “Can I play?” He pointed to Sammy’s phone.

Sighing, Sammy pulled up a game and set it in front ofDax, but I knew the sidetrack wouldn’t stick. Thankfully, my office phone rang at that moment, and I went to my desk and took the call. It didn’t take long, and when I ended the call, I said, “I’ve got a meeting in about ten minutes.” I inwardly cringed because it sounded like I was trying to get rid of them.

Sammy stayed at the table, and I remained leaning against the front of my desk, the weight of my deception heavy on my shoulders. I could tell Sammy everything right now, but would Ava be upset I didn’t give her a heads up? Before I could say anything, Sammy clapped his hands.

“Oh… It’s that blonde. The one from the bar, right? What’s her name?”

It took me a moment to catch up to his line of thinking, and then it hit me. “Lauren.”

“Right. So, it must be pretty serious if you’re turning down a shot at Denise.” He grinned.

I was stunned, though it made sense he’d come to that conclusion. But this took us into a whole new category of deception. If I let him believe Lauren and I were involved, then it was lying versus just an omission. I racked my brain for what to say. “Sammy…” I sighed.

“Whoa, what’s wrong with your face?” He laughed. “Never seen you so jacked up over a woman.”

“What’s jack up?” Dax said, looking up from his game.

Sammy laughed and patted Dax on the head. “It’s sort of like when you’re confused and not feeling like yourself.” Then he quickly added, “But it’s not a good thing for a little boy to say…so don’t.” Sammy stood then and came over to me. “When you figure it all out, let me know, yeah?” His gaze held mine, like he knew this was complicated, and I appreciated that. Sammy was always the wiser of the two of us.

“Thanks, man.” I slapped my hand on his shoulder and gripped it tightly. “I know we haven’t been hanging as much the last few years…” Words were hard, and that was probably the best I could pull off in that moment.

“It’s all good. You’re my brother, always will be. No matter what.” He nodded, and it felt both comforting and unsettling, if that were possible. “Hope you know that,” he added.

“I do. And I feel the same.”

“Well, we’ll get out of your hair.” He moved back to the table and started to corral a reluctant Dax.

As I hugged Dax at the door, Sammy said, “Hope to see you at my parents’ for dinner next Saturday.” I told him I’d be there, and as they were walking out the door, he said, “And bring your woman, if you want…”


For a second I did a mental double-take. Had he purposely said “woman” instead of Lauren?

Chapter 24


I knocked quietly at the door in case anyone was sleeping. It wasn’t that late but late enough, especially for an unexpected visitor. I hadn’t even planned to show up at Ava’s place, and I hadn’t given her a heads up either, partly because I’d been in the car and partly because…I guess I just wanted to surprise her.

I had been working late, going over the final details of one of my deals, and for some reason, I found myself heading here instead of home. Now that Ava and I were together, the quiet of my place just wasn’t appealing. Plus, I hated being away from her. Like it physically hurt.

After a minute, the door popped open, but it wasn’t Ava standing there. Gunnar wore a pair of gym shorts andno shirt.Of course. Is this how he walked around the place all the time?

I tried not to react and instead said, “Hey, man, can I come in?”

He opened the door wider and said, “Mi casa es su casa.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t doubt he was staring at my ass as I entered, and when I turned around and saw the look on his face, it solidified my assumption.

I’d seen Ava’s car in the parking lot, but I still said, “Is she here?”

“Who? Madonna?” He gave me a half grin before adding, “Yeah, but it’s pretty quiet, so she may have fallen asleep. She was reading in bed.”

Since I was supposed to be trying to get along with the guy, I asked, “What are you watching?” I gestured to the TV, which was paused.

He stretched and ran a hand down his taut stomach. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”