Page 68 of Fire

Allie did a little wiggle dance. “Oh, my God, I’m so excited for you. Of course, I’m going to miss you while you’re gone, but I’m too excited for you to get upset about it yet. I’m sure it will sink in later. When do you start?”

“I haven’t said I’d take it yet.”

“What! You said it was once-in-a-lifetime.”

“I know, but I need to think about it. I have a good job right now. What if the show only lasts one season? Then I’m left unemployed.”

“But think about all the connections you’ll make. I’m sure another job opportunity will be waiting.”

That was true, she hadn’t thought of it that way.

“I know having a stable job sounds good on paper, but where is that job leading you?”

That was true, too. There were no advancements with the job she had now.

“I know you, Gwen. You’ll analyze it to death and talk yourself out of it. For once in your life, go with your gut instinct.”

She’d done that with Blake and look where that got her.

Ugh. When would she stop thinking about him?

“You’re right. About everything.”

Allie grinned. “Of course, I am. I’m a genius.”

Gwen pulled a pillow from behind her back and threw it, hitting Allie square in the face. “Okay, genius, tell me this. What have we got for dinner? I skipped lunch to leave early, and now I’m starving.”

Allie brought her fingers to her temples and closed her eyes. “My genius brain is telling me… I’ve got the pizza place on speed dial.”

Gwen laughed. “Make my half sausage and mushroom.”

Chapter 17

Saturday arrived and Gwen found herself standing in her closet contemplating what to wear for a date she didn’t want to go on. And the person she blamed for that was Blake.

He was still in her head.

“What are you going to wear?”

Gwen looked over her shoulder to find Allie standing behind her. She had a date, too. With Dillan.

Allie—unlike Gwen—was excited for her date and was already ready to go even though she had an hour before Dillan was due to arrive.

“I don’t know,” Gwen turned back to her clothes.

“Where are you going?”

“Rico’s. So, something nice but not too fancy.”

“How about this one?” Allie tugged the hem of a red Fendi.

While one of her favorites, the dress was low-cut, and she didn’t want to give the wrong impression. “Think less sexy.”

Allie laughed, and then said sarcastically, “Wow, you really are excited about this date.”

Gwen sighed. “You’re right. I should make more of an effort.”

Allie held up her hands. “Hey, you’re not feeling the guy, you’re not feeling it. I’m not one to judge.”