“Probably. Or I’d get drunk more often and make embarrassing phone calls. What’d I even say to you?”
He shrugged. “Not a lot. You got my Christmas card I sent to the frat house and you were mad about all the pictures that fell out.”
I groaned. “I can’t believe you printed so many pictures of balls.”
“It got under your skin, so it was worth the horror I endured. You said you were tired of me fucking with you and I should, ‘Take my pretty fucking face and go back where I came from.’ That was a direct quote.”
Biting my lip, I was torn between feeling amused or embarrassed.
“Well, you’re very pretty,” I said, enjoying the way his cheeks flushed. “It’s a good thing you’re not my type.”
His eyes rolled dramatically. “I still think you’re lying.”
“Maybe.” With a conspiratorial wink, I got to my feet. When I held out my hand, he eyed it for a moment, then grabbed it and let me pull him up. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about what happened at the game. I really didn’t know he was going to do something like that.”
His expression went blank and he shrugged. “I told you we’re cool.” With a frown, he looked up at the sky. “I don’t think we’re gonna get any practice in. I should head home.”
“I can drive you.”
Shaking his head, he stepped back. “Nah, I’m good. It’s not a long walk. See ya. And, uh, thanks for the ride here. It was actually nice to get out of the house for a bit.”
I continued to watch him until he was off the field. It was impossible to know if this was a step toward peace or just a fluke like at my place. West was one of the hardest people to read.
Maybe I should keep pushing him if he let me. I guess I’d just have to play it by ear. It wasn’t even about entertaining the feelingsthat may or may not be growing. I actually enjoyed his company when we weren’t at each other’s throats and for me, that was pretty rare. If he got to a place where he wanted to be friends, I thought we’d get along in a way I didn’t with most people. At the same time, it was likely we’d just be stuck in this endless cycle of nice encounters followed by aggression.
I was overthinking it. Instead of continuing, I started running again to clear my head. There was nothing better to do.
Chapter 20
For the hundredth time, I stared down at the message from Lincoln. Why did he invite me to the party yesterday? Hepersonallyextended an invitation. Then, he paid for me to get a ride to the field just to throw the ball and talk. That was weird as hell and, frankly, it was uncalled for. He had some ulterior motive. In my mind, I pictured a Carrie situation. I’d probably look dangerously sexy covered in blood, but it sounded disgusting.
And, like the dumbass I am, I told Willow we could go. What was wrong with me?
I stared at myself in the mirror, questioning the dark gray shirt I’d chosen. Stripping out of it, I decided black would be better. It contrasted drastically with my eyes, which were arguably my best feature. Some people said I had those creepy blue eyes, but screw them. How many people did you see with alabaster skin, hair as black as a starless night, and blue eyes that rivaled Caribbean waters?
Of course, none of that really mattered. It was something to cling to when I felt particularly hateful about myself, though. My dad said I was worthless and clearly, I would never stop disappointing him. Buthey, at least I was pretty. If all else failed, I could suck dick for money. I wondered if I’d be good at it.
Uh… I looked down at my tented jeans. Well, that was an interesting thing to get hard over. Don’t get me wrong, I’d watched gay porn before and got off to it. Sex was sex and there was something beautiful about it in every manner, but this right here was new.
I probably needed to get laid. The idea of having another Jessi situation made me shudder. Sex was supposed to be easy and uncomplicated, but I was the master at complicating the simplest things.
“Hey, stop staring at yourself!” Willow shouted.
After making sure my uncharacteristic boner had disappeared, I threw the door open and leveled her with my sternest look. Her nose wrinkled.
“Ew. Put on a shirt. Nobody wants to see that.”
“Tell that to the cheerleading squad.” I smirked as I moved past her.
“I want nothing to do with them, but you have to introduce me to your teammates.”
All thoughts of having a mediocre time tonight fled my mind. It had already crossed my mind that she’d go on a flirtatious streak, but I really hoped I wouldn’t have to babysit her tonight. Now that she was actually here, I was beginning to worry that taking care of her would take over my entire life. Granted, it always had in a way, but I’d been doing my own thing here for six months. I was surprised by the resistance I felt when I thought about putting everything else aside.
Shaking my head, I grabbed a black t-shirt. After I glanced outside, I pulled a hoodie from the closet and threw it over my arm. Rain, rain, and more rain. It was a never ending cycle.