Page 54 of Resist Me

As if she could hear my thoughts- I was pretty sure she could- Willow sashayed into my room. “Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.”

“Little Willow wants to play,” I chimed in before laughing. “You’re an idiot.”

“You know what they say about apples and trees,” Kai said from the doorway.

“They’re pivotal in uncovering the law of gravity?”

“Sure, that’s it.”

“I don’t need an apple to tell me about gravity when I’m carrying around this massive-”

Willow made a disgusted sound, covering her ears as she raced out of the room. Kai snorted a laugh and shook his head. With a wink, I gestured for him to lead the way out of the apartment. Since Sen was off today, we all had the pleasure of going to this thing together. At least I wouldn’t be alone. I didn’t even have to say anything to Kai to know that he’d keep an eye on Willow too.

We piled into his car and headed toward the frat house. It was pretty close to campus, but on the opposite side from where we lived. We’d barely pulled onto their street when the music became audible. A hum of excitement awoke in my veins. It was hard not to feel like that as a first-year college student going to a party, especially one like this.

I didn’t revel in it all that much, but we were the people others talked about. As soon as we walked in the door, heads turned. Some of the football players waved in our direction, so we made our way to them.

Always prepared, they thrust drinks into our hands. They easily could’ve been half-drank, but it didn’t matter. Willow held hers up and I mentally said ‘fuck it’ before I tapped my cup against it, then drained it.

“What the hell is that?” I groaned.

Rick shrugged. “It came from the tank.”

“Oh, you asshole.”

“What’s the tank?” Willow asked.

I nodded toward the fishtank behind Rick. It was full of a cloudy liquid that looked greenish, but it was hard to tell with the colorful lighting in here. There were floating gummies in it, along with a tequila bottle at the bottom.

“It starts out as juice and vodka,” I explained. “People add to it throughout the night, making it a deadly concoction. Don’t drink too much of it. You’ll probably die.”

“You’ll definitely black out,” Rick laughed.

The way his eyes traveled over Willow made me want to submerge his head in the tank, but I refrained. If she didn’t want his attention, she’d make it very known, likely at the expense of his dick. She’d been taking self-defense classes ever since I gave her no choice in thematter at twelve. If she’d let me, I would get her a gun, but she thought it was overkill. I knew she could take care of herself. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t be there if she needed me.

“Alright, listen up,” I said loudly enough for the other players around us to hear. They turned and gave me their full attention. “I’m doing one introduction here. This is Willow, my sister. She’s very capable of fending you off, but if I hear that she has to, you’ll have a very bad season next time around.”

“You’ll piss me off too,” Kai chimed in. A couple of the guys shifted on their feet. He was arguably the kindest person in existence, but that was only if he liked you. Kai could put a man on his ass and he made it look easy. Hell, I’d taken some punches from the guy and I was convinced he had some super Saiyan mode he summoned.

Everyone went back to their previous conversations. I felt pretty good about the whole thing. Except Rick had taken a step closer and was complimenting her hair. It was fine.

“Let’s dance,” Kai said. He grabbed both mine and Sen’s hands, pulling us into the throng of bodies.

I was shit at dancing, but it wasn’t about being good. Singing wasn’t my forte either, but I’d give it my all no matter where I was.

As It Was by Harry Styles came on and I grinned. I backtracked quickly to grab Willow and yanked her into our group. She tried to protest, then rolled her eyes and joined in. She started singing, just as badly as me, and I did the same. Sen was less exuberant, but he let Kai drag him into the madness. As long as he was with him, he started to let go. I loved watching that guy come into himself and become comfortable in his skin. I liked to give myself some credit for it since I’d taken a couple punches from his dad and dragged him out of that toxic place.

Sweat beaded on my brow, dripping down my temple. With the lights, music, and the crowd pressing in on all sides, it was easy to get lost in this scene.

Rick reappeared, coming up behind Willow. She reached back to thread her arm around his neck, so apparently, she didn’t mind. I met his eyes and he raised a brow. It might’ve been a taunt or a challenge, but I’d let it simmer for now.

Kai pulled Sen close and since it was getting a little suggestive over there, I decided to get another drink. I whirled around, only to runstraight into Lincoln. He caught my biceps and leaned close to my ear so that I could hear him above the music.

“You came. I’m surprised.”

I was overwhelmed by the scent of him. It was floral and woody. Rosewood, maybe. It was something really nice that most people didn’t wear.

Swallowing hard, I shrugged away his hands. “You invited me.”