Page 9 of Everything I Want

“What do you mean?” I ask, playing stupid.

“You’re going to play that card?” She raises her perfectly penciled eyebrows, and gives me a knowing glance. “That man has been making sure that everything is perfect, and he even asked me for information on you. I set him straight for you, don’t worry,” she winks.

“Okay, okay, wemightbe dating,” I whisper.

“It’s about time woman! I thought I wasn’t going to make it to see the day you finally let yourself live again,” she practically yells.

I hold my finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet. “Mabel. Don’t you go saying things like that. You are going to live to see it all. And what about you and Phil? I see how he looks at you,” I say looking over in Phil’s direction as he looks away to hide the fact he was staring at her. She swats at my arm as Scott approaches.

“Hey Lorelei. If you could please help me over here I would appreciate it,” he says very professionally.

“Mabel knows we’re dating, Scott. There is no hiding from her.” I wink at her and clasp her hand in mine on top of the table.

“Oh. Oh right. Sorry Mabel. I shouldn’t have doubted your abilities to obtain information,” he chuckles.

“That’s right and don’t you forget it! But, you weren’t very stealthy in your quest to obtain information. Now go.” She shoos us away. When I look back she’s already slyly waving to Phil.

He leads me to a table in the corner where all of our ornament making supplies are, along with cookies from a local bakery.

I remember doing this every year with the girls. We would have a competition every year for who made the best ornament. Of course they all won every year, we could never pick a favorite amongst the girls.

“Scott, this is fantastic, thank you so much for getting it set up.” I stand on my tip toes to place a soft kiss on his cheek, and hear Mabel whooping from across the room. I laugh as I wave at her to stop and she gives a thumbs up back to me. I have a feeling she is going to be our biggest supporter.

“I don’t know who is more excited for that kiss, me or Mabel,” Scott says jokingly.

“Well, I certainly hope it will be you,” I laugh.

We work for a bit on our ornaments in between walking around and checking in with the seniors. Scott has set up a folder so I can’t see what he’s doing. I’m intrigued for sure.

“Are you almost ready to see your ornament that I made for you?” Scott peers over his folder, trying to sneak a peek at mine. I cover it with my hands quickly, staring at him with my brows furrowed.

"Sorry, I won't peek," he says holding up his hands in defeat.

“I am just putting the final touches on mine now.” I smile at him. I'm pretty certain my ornament is the best, I have a few years of practice anyway.

He drops the folder and hands me an ornament.

Tears well in my eyes as I gently move the ornament around in my hand.

Scott has saved a small pine cone from cutting down the tree, some needles off the Christmas tree from when we decorated, a little foam gingerbread house, and a napkin with the logo of the steakhouse we went to for our date.

He put everything into a clear plastic ornament with light pink glitter onto the bottom of the ornament, he must have gotten my favorite color from Mabel. He has also painted small snowflakes and Christmas trees all around the clear bulb.

My heart starts hammering in my chest. It was his replica of the ornament from Andrew at our first Christmas together.

I place the ornament back on the table and hug him. “Scott. This is amazing. Thank you so much.”

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, beautiful. I hope they aren’t sad tears.” He wipes a tear from my cheek.

“No, they aren’t. I promise. I was just thinking how you’re so thoughtful and I couldn’t have asked for a better man in this phase of life.” I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him, forgetting that we are in the middle of a crowded room.

“You get it girl!” Mabel yells from across the room, and I’m starkly reminded that we are in front of all the seniors and volunteers. Mabel’s yell gathers attention from the others and soon the whole room is clapping for us.

I guess we have more support than just Mabel, but she better not think that I didn’t notice who was sitting next to her.

December 7th

Scott:Today we get to go see the Jolly Old Man himself. I hope you’ve been a good girl.