He had to be Kodiak, a hunk of an Alpha standing at least six and a half feet tall. Broad and heavily muscled, like he didn’t need a saw to knock over trees, he could just push them down. His dark brown hair was nearly shorn on the sides and long ontop. The rich color was echoed in his trimmed beard and his mesmerizing eyes.
And he was furious.
The storm on his face was ready to destroy everything and everyone in his path.
With a grunt, Kodiak turned and stomped to the front entrance and outside, slamming the door behind him. I flinched with the violent loudness of it.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Everything was messed up. If I was compatible with Ezekiel, it seemed that Kodiak didn’t want me anymore. The whole deal my dad made with his father would be void.
What was more, I didn’t want to come between two friends. Shae had said these men were like brothers. Would they fight over me? I couldn’t let them do that. I wouldn’t—
“Don’t mind, Kodiak. He just needs to cool off.” Ezekiel’s voice was calm even if it was edged with a roughness that matched the wanton look still in his eyes. “Come sit down. Would you like something to drink? Anything to eat? We picked up some danishes from the bakery.”
He was asking if I felt like eating or drinking right now? My stomach was wrenched too tight to want any food at the moment. “No. Thank you. I want to—”
What? Sink to my knees and worship this godly Alpha with my mouth?
These thoughts. Damn. I’d just met Ezekiel.
I squeezed my thighs together. “We should talk.” Anything other than what my body was suddenly ready to beg for. I moved toward the front door. “I should go get Kodiak. He went out without a coat. He’ll freeze.”
“Unlikely.” Ezekiel chuckled and led me into the living room. He patted the couch. “Please, sit. I agree talking would begood. Usually people around here just eat, drink, or punch their emotions away.”
I gave Ezekiel a wide berth as I went around the couch but was completely aware of him the whole time. His sizzling gaze, his delicious smile, his every breath.
“You know,” a new voice totally startled me. I jumped and turned to face a third Alpha. Holy shit. I didn’t even notice him there since I’d been so entranced by Ezekiel and then by Kodiak’s sudden exit. “I knew you’d be trouble the second Savva told us you were coming. Now look what you did. You pissed off Kodiak and Ezekiel is drooling like the dogs.” He stood from his chair, his nostrils flaring. With a hissing growl, he stalked away from me. “Don’t expect any sympathy from me, Omega. You just fucked over all our lives.”
My jaw dropped. How dare he talk to me like that! Anger pushed back against the arousal of my heat, and I welcomed the feeling. I had more control over it.
“None of this is my fault.”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes and disappeared down the hall to slam the door of his bedroom.
Ezekiel’s hands fisted and his body leaned in the other Alpha’s direction as if he might chase him down to attack him. Guilt bit at me. I knew it wasn’t really my fault. I couldn’t help who I was compatible with, but I didn’t want to be the reason any of these men were angry with one another.
Maybe I shouldn’t have come. I’d only wanted to make my dad happy, and I’d tried to be positive about things, but now it all went wrong.
No, that was Silas’ voice. Fuck him. Let him bitch about it. I wasn’t going to sit back and let shame smother me. I could make it right, smooth things over. I just needed to channel some peacemaker vibes.
“Ezekiel,” I said his name gently and sat down on the couch. First step first. Motioning to him, I gave him a shy smile. “Come and sit.”
His head snapped back to me. Atka and Kavik both came to join me on the couch, and Ezekiel’s expression softened. “The dogs really like you.”
“We weathered the storm together last night. They’re super sweet.” I gave both huskies pets and Atka nuzzled my chest. The image of Ezekiel doing the same thing sent a jolt of desire through me, making me quiver. “Have you always had dogs?”
“Yeah,” Ezekiel nodded and glanced once more the way Silas had gone before he sat down on the couch. “Yeah, I love animals. When I was born, my parents got me a pup to grow with me, and we were inseparable. He saved me from a grizzly when I was ten but didn’t make it himself. Sav, that’s Kodiak’s dad, let me have dogs as long as I trained them. What about you? Did you have to leave any pets at home?”
“No, my dad never let us have any. I did a lot of horseback riding when I was young, but that was the extent of my experience with animals.” I startled as the wind rattled the windows. Kodiak was out in that freezing cold with no coat.
Ezekiel reached over and took my hand in his. The zing of contact made me gasp, and we were only holding hands. “It’s sweet you’re worried, but Kodiak will be okay.” His thumb caressed the back of my hand. His gaze bore into me with hungry eyes. “I never expected this, especially not the power of it. How do you feel?”
The more he touched me, the stronger the urge to tackle him back onto the couch and let him have his way with me became. “I don’t know. It happened so fast… I didn’t even think…” I had expected Kodiak to be the only Alpha I met, but then when Shae mentioned his friends, I still didn’t even thinkabout this being a possibility. Without a chaperon, I should have met Kodiak in a neutral public place with other people around. But it was too late now.
Could I deny my connection to Ezekiel? Pack up and go to a hotel so everyone could work things out? Not that he wasn’t gorgeous. Hell, that was far from it. He dripped sensuality with every smooth move he made. Kienna would be telling me to jump him and get that big Alpha cock all day and night.
I didn’t know him though. I didn’t know any of these Alphas. And I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with no way out.
“Nicolette.” Ezekiel squeezed my hand and scooted closer on the couch. The heat coming off his body called to mine. “It’ll be okay. I’ll take care of you.”