Was I projecting my feelings that much? I wanted to crawl onto his lap and let him hold me, and part of me was certain that he could make everything okay. How everything in me could change with just one touch was mind blowing.

“Thank you.” I needed to stop groping him with my mind. Being in heat was no joke. I wasn’t the type to throw myself at a man no matter what I was feeling. “I think you and I need to sit and talk, get to know one another. Just because we’re physically compatible doesn’t mean we are on any other level.”

“Of course, but I know all I need to know. My dogs really like you. Despite Atka’s friendliness, he’s not that affectionate with everyone. And Kavik, she mostly just sticks by me.” He stroked Kavik’s head who had seated herself directly beside me on the floor. “It seems she’s appointed herself your chaperon.”

I glanced at the husky and smiled. She was sitting beside me straight and stoic. His expression as Ezekiel pet her seemed to say,You make one wrong move, buddy, and I will bite your hand off.

I couldn’t stop my smile. “I accept you as my chaperon, Kavik. I promise to be on my best behavior.”

“I don’t know if I can continue to be on my best behavior though.” Ezekiel smirked and let out a small groan. “Damn, you are absolutely gorgeous. I have to use all my willpower to not drag you to me and have my way with you. It’s going to get worse, isn’t it?”

Nodding, I squirmed on the couch. I’d never felt this level of arousal in my life. Sure, I was certain I’d been really horny at times, but this… This was unlike anything else. “But nothing is going to happen until we get to know one another and all the tension in this house is sorted out. I don’t want you guys fighting or anyone’s feelings to be hurt.”

“Silas is going to be a bastard about you being here no matter what. Sorry, but that’s just him. He’ll learn to live with it. Kodiak,” Ezekiel sighed heavily and was licked by Atka to make him smile again. “He’ll work it out. He’d been looking forward to you coming here. But he’s a reasonable guy. I know he understands that it was something we couldn’t control. I think he might just be more angry with himself for getting his hopes up.”

Great. Now I felt even worse.

Nothing about this whole situation was going as planned. I had one Alpha wanting to bed me and two who hated me. If I let Ezekiel take me and he claimed me, I would be with him forever. His friends wouldn’t only hate me, they’d loathe me.

A fight broke out in the hockey game on TV. I sank further into the couch, cuddling the dogs. I needed time in the penalty box to think things over, but with Ezekiel near me, my mind kept going back to how much I wanted him to bury himself between my legs. Yet I couldn’t tell him to leave his own house so I could have a moment.

“Oh, do you think I could get your WiFi password? I couldn’t call my family or friends to let them know I arrived yesterday, and they must be getting worried.”

Ezekiel happily gave me the password, and I excused myself to my room to make my calls. Maybe the girls would have some advice.

Or maybe I was just screwed.


The second I heard the Omega’s door shut, I hopped off my bed and made for the front door. There was no way I was letting myself be confined to my room all day. I needed to work off this energy or I’d be punching holes in the few panels of drywall we did have up.

Ezekiel was spread out on the couch with his dogs when I came out. He sat up, turning toward me. “Hey Si, I just—”

“No, we aren’t talking about this shit right now. Everything is fucked.” Way beyond than I would ever admit to any of them. The scent of Nicolette… Damn. I grabbed my coat and stuffed my feet into my boots. “She was meant for Kodiak.”

And where was he?

Hearing the sound of wood being chopped outside, I grunted. I snatched Kodiak’s coat off the hook and opened the door as Ezekiel looked like he was going to say something else. I was out and slamming it shut before he did.

I wasn’t mad at him. He was only helping the girl when his dog jumped on her. It was the whole situation that made me furious. Kodiak had wanted an Omega and Ezekiel didn’t. Me, fuck, one sniff of her and I’d wanted to lick her from her cherry little butt to her slick slit. She hadn’t even been near me for a few seconds and I felt rabid for her.

The snow crunched under my feet as I walked across the bridge to woodpile. Kodiak lifted the ax and brought it down, splitting a thick log in two with one strike.

I chucked his coat down beside him. “Either put that on or go inside and talk to Eze. The Omega went to your room.”

“I’m fine,” Kodiak grumbled. His next chop went through the log and buried the blade deep into the stump we cut firewood on. Fine, my ass.

“Whatever,” I huffed and dug my truck keys out of my pocket. “I’m going to town. Don’t know if I’ll come back tonight. I’ll meet you at the boat in the morning.”

Kodiak heaved the ax free and spun to glare at me. “You leaving me alone withthem? Thanks a fucking lot.”

“All this shit isn’t my problem, man. You wanted her here. Go deal with it. Eze had been supportive of you the whole time. You know the bastard must feel like crap right now. Probably whimpering and crying with his dogs in there.” I wasn’t going to mention that Ezekiel had looked like he was about to pounce on the Omega and fuck her right there. I’d never seen the guy so bewitched by a female before. It was unnerving. Women couldn’t be trusted.

“And what are you going to do? Drink the day away? Fuck, it’s only noon.” Kodiak shot back before leaning over for another piece of wood.

Anger bubbled up my throat. I might have had a drinking problem after the incident with Sarah, but I was better now. I only drank once or twice a week now, and then just a few beers. “Fuck you.”

He flipped me off and I returned the sentiment before climbing into my truck and revving the engine to life. Damn him. I had been planning on going to town and the bar, but I wasn’t going to do so now.