I’m in the middle of a conference call with my foreman and a new client when someone starts banging on the door.
“Hey, can I put you guys on hold for a moment?” I ask the group on my phone.
“Yeah, whoever is there apparently has something they need to tell you.” My foreman chuckles. This is so unprofessional. I’m pissed as I stomp to the door.
“How can I help you?” I say angrily as I whip the door open.
A clearly distraught Lauren is on the other side. “Colton, I’m so sorry. Michael is at the school, Lacey just left, and I wanted to tell you first so you could get there as soon as possible.”
“Shit. Thanks, Lauren, I gotta go end this call. Take these keys and lock up for me, please?” I toss her the keys to the building that I keep on the hook next to my door.
I take off back to my living room and grab my phone as I try to get my shoes on. “Hey, I’m really sorry there’s an emergency and I’m so sorry but I have to go. Can we finish up another day, or are you guys okay to finish without me?” I tell them hopping around on one foot, struggling to get my boot on.
“I got this, Colton. You go. Call me later.” I don’t even wait to hear what the client says in response to my foreman.
I just hang up and run down the stairs to my truck. Lacey must be walking since she doesn’t have a car, so hopefully I can catch her before she gets there. I catch up to her as she’s running through the parking lot. I pull into a spot and run to her, pulling her in my arms.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I should have been with you today. I knew you were worried.” I hug her tight.
“It’s okay. Not your fault, you can’t give up your workspace for me.” She says emotionless, like she's trying to cut herself off before she faces whatever is going on.
I place a quick kiss to her forehead before lacing my fingers with hers and pulling her towards the school.
As we approach the front doors of the school we see Brad outside with Michael and the principal. I already know this isn’t going to be an easily diffused situation, judging by Michael’s yelling and flailing arms.
“Michael, what are you doing here?” Lacey asks calm and collected, like she isn’t freaking out, and I know she is for sure.
“Fuck you, Lacey. I told you to give me my time with my son and instead you tell these idiots that I’m not allowed to see my own goddamn son!” He starts toward Lacey, and I step in between them out of instinct, Brad is walking over as well.
“Oh, who is this? Your new boy toy? Here to protect you, Lace?” he says with a snide smile.
“Sir, this is not going to go the way you want it to. Your best decision is to get back in your car and go home. The school isn’tpressing charges right now, but if you continue, I will make sure they do,” Brad says, holding his hand out to stop Michael from coming closer toward us, his other hand is ready on his taser.
“Fuck off. I don’t need anyone telling me what to do withmyfamily.”
“Michael, please. We are not your family anymore. You are having a child with another woman and gave us up. Let us go,” Lacey pleads with him.
He lunges for her, and luckily Brad and I are able to catch him before he reaches her. I have never had such a hard time getting my anger in check, but knowing Brad is here is helping me keep my hands to myself even though I would like to put my fist into his face. Judging by the look on Brad’s face, I’d say he would be willing to look the other way.
“Michael. Go. Home.” Lacey says through gritted teeth.
He relaxes and stops trying to get to Lacey. He walks back toward the school.
Brad and I exchange a look of relief. It was a mistake though. Right as I thought Lacey had gotten through to him, I hear Brad yell and feel something hard hit my head. I see a look of pure panic on Lacey’s face before everything goes dark.
I open my eyes and the light makes it feel like someone is stabbing the back of my head. It takes me a minute, but I realize Preston is standing over me, and I’m in his office.
“Hey, Colt. Good to have you back, man,” he says as he shines that stupid flashlight of his in my eyes.
“Oh my God, Colton!” A small, soft hand squeezes mine and I feel the lightest touch of my girl’s lips on my cheek. “I was so worried you wouldn’t wake up and it would be all my fault.”Tears start to fall down her cheeks. I try to reach up and wipe them for her but the pain radiating down my shoulder stops me.
“You should definitely just lay still for right now. I think you just have a concussion and bruised shoulder, but give me a minute, okay?” Preston answers the grimace on my face.
“What happened to that asshole?” I ask. That is the only thing I care about.
“He went to the station with my partner. We’re booking him on attempted kidnapping and the assault on you. The school is pressing charges for trespassing,” Brad says. I haven’t noticed him there until now.