I’m glad that he’s getting charged. But I’m fuming at how he treated Lacey.
“Colton, I'm so sorry this happened. It’s all my fault and I can’t believe you were in that situation because of me.” Lacey is sobbing, I’m sure, because of the stress of the situation and her guilt.
“Listen, Sweetheart, it’s not your fault so stop that right now. All this is because of Michael and his bad choices. It was my choice to be there for you, and I will always make that choice, Lace. I love you so much. I would never leave you alone.”
“I love you too, Colton. I’m so happy you’re awake.” She leans over and kisses me hard. Pain radiates down my arm, but I still reach over to touch her cheek.
“It appears to just be a concussion and bruised shoulder, like I thought. You’ll have a pretty big bump on the back of your head where the rock hit, but you should be okay. Someone will have to stay with you tonight, use ice packs, and they’ll have to wake you up every couple of hours.” My brother, the doctor. I guess we lucked out. Working in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital has him qualified to keep me out of one.
“I’ll be there.” Lacey volunteers almost before Preston can stop giving directions.
“We can keep Oliver for you. Colton should have a quiet night,” Preston offers.
“No. I want to see my buddy. We can have a movie night and he’ll be fine. I promised I would pick him up from school.” I am not breaking a promise to that kid. Not now. Especially after seeing that bastard of a father he had for the first part of his life.
“I mean, as long as there is no rough housing, or yelling, I can be on board with a movie night. How about Scarlett and I come over with pizza, and if I think it’s too much for Colton we can take Oliver home with us. Deal, Colt?” He levels me with a stare he always used when we were kids to let me know he wasn't joking anymore.
“Deal. I’ll take it. Now it’s almost time to get my buddy so let’s go.” I sit up and immediately regret my decision. My head is pounding and I’m dizzy as hell.
Preston hands me an ice pack and presses it to the back of my head. While wrapping something around my head to hold it in place. “Yeah, you’re not good yet, man, you need to go slow. The dizziness is going to be there for a while and the headache. The ice pack and meds should help dull it, but you definitely need to take it easy and slow. I know that's not something you know how to do.”
Lacey makes promises to Preston that I’ll take it easy, and she’ll make sure that I follow doctor’s orders. Before we even leave Preston's office Lacey makes me give her the keys out of my pocket in front of Brad and Preston. She is a smart one, but I am really dizzy and wouldn’t risk even the short drive with either of them in the truck. Brad gives us a ride back to the school since my truck is still there.
After three days of Preston hovering over me, he finally gave me the all-clear to go back to normal life. Which is perfect, because I am taking Oliver to go shopping for Lacey tonight. And some pizza per his request. Oliver has been with me since he got out of school. We’ve been playing games and watching movies. He went to Mrs. Harper’s house today to bake cookies and I miss him already. It baffles me even more now that his father chose to walk away from this boy. The amount of love that I have for him is only second to the amount of love I have for his mom. I realized over the last couple days that I don’t want to live without Lacey and Oliver anymore. Having the two of them here for the last couple days has given me a glimpse of a life I want more than anything else. Her Christmas present from me will be a couple of dollars, but hopefully the meaning will be so much more.
Lacey:Hey, I’m sorry to bother you, I know you and Oliver are going out tonight. But would it be okay if I asked you to watch him a little earlier? Or is that terrible of me? Addy got a call from Willow today and she’s really concerned so she wants us to all call her this afternoon.
Me:Lacey, it isn’t terrible. Stop it. I’ll go grab him from your mom now. Are they done baking cookies?
Lacey:I’ll have her text you when they’re done. I’m sorry. Thank you. I love you.
Me:I love you too, Lace.
More than she will ever know.
Lorelei calls me not too much longer after Lacey texted me, so I am on my way to get Oliver and surprise him with a stop at a trampoline park in the city before we go shopping and grab dinner with Preston. Even though I think he's only coming to make sure I don't join in on the fun.
“Something smells delicious in here!” I say as I walk into Lorelei’s home.
“Colton! I made cookies with Grammy! And she gave us some to bring with us today!” He rattles off in less than ten seconds.
“Hello, dear. I’m so sorry for his sugar induced behavior. I might have let him eat a few cookies. And taste the frosting,” Lorelei says with a knowing smirk.
“Isn’t that what Grandmas are for?” I laugh. “It’s probably a good thing because we are going to the trampoline park and we’ll need that energy.” I say casually before waiting for Oliver's excitement.
“What? We are? You’re the best, Colton!” The smile on his face is worth it all.
“Yup, trampoline park, Christmas shopping, and pizza,” I answer.
“Yes! Best day ever!” He jumps up and down, pumping his little fist in the air.
We say our goodbyes to Lorelei and start to walk out the door when we see Lacey pull into the driveway. My heart seems to skip a beat as she gets out of the car. She is so beautiful, I don't think I will ever not affected. I can't believe I convinced her to fall for me, I'm thankful every day.
“Hey, baby.” She pulls Oliver into a big hug, and he tells her everything about his day down to where we were going.
“Wow. That sounds so fun! I’m glad you and Colton are excited for the night.” She looks at me over Oliver’s head and smiles. “Why don’t you go get in the truck and I’ll come buckleyou up in a minute.” She walks towards me and wraps her arms around my waist, staring up at me with those beautiful eyes.
“Well, hello there.” I say, placing a kiss to her forehead.