I don’t mind if he knows what Michael says so I hold up my phone for him to see the message.

Michael:Lacey, honey, I miss you so much. Where did we go wrong? Please call me back so we can talk. I need to hear your voice.

“Is he out of his mind? Where did ‘we’ go wrong?” Colton is fuming.

“It’s fine, really. I don’t let him bother me anymore. Let’s go finish our movie.”

I start to lead him toward the living room, wanting to forget that message from Michael so I can enjoy the remainder of our night together. Colton worked so hard. I can't be the reason it gets ruined.

“Before we do that, your mom gave me a little secret weapon.” He pulls out a Tupperware container and I know exactly what he got. I grab the container from him and run back into the living room, but I’m not fast enough for him. He grabs me from behind, around my waist, and picks me up.

“Lacey Harper, I know you are not trying to steal all those cookies. I have been smelling them all day.” He looks at me sternly, but I just burst out into a fit of giggles.

“She ismymom!” I say back like a child.

He carries me back over to our pillows and gets us settled then pulls the blanket up over us before starting the movie andstrategically placing the cookiesdirectlyin the middle of both of us.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I wake up, the credits have stopped rolling, and Colton has laid us down. He is snoring softly himself. I try to sneak out and see what time it is, but he wakes up as soon as I leave his arms.And if that doesn’t do something to the butterflies in my belly.

“Where are you going, sweetheart?” he asks, still half asleep.

“It’s almost midnight. I should get home, even if I don’t want to.” I am staring at him, even half asleep with rumpled hair he somehow manages to be sexier than before.

“Well, you aren’t walking back alone in the dark. I will drive you home.” He pretends to need my help pulling him up, but instead he pulls me back down into his hard chest. We are nose to nose, and I know that I won’t be going home anytime soon now. And I am not complaining.

Chapter Fourteen


Against my wishes, I drove Lacey home around two in the morning last night.

Unfortunately for me, I can’t sleep past seven in the morning, no matter what time I go to bed, or how hard I might try. I roll over in bed and grab my phone, planning to shoot a text off to Preston to see if he wants to grab some breakfast but I see a text from Lacey instead, from six, one hour ago.

Lacey:I’m exhausted, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thank you so much for last night. I really loved getting to spend the night with you, uninterrupted for once.

Me:Me too. I can’t wait to do it again ;)

Instead of inviting Preston to breakfast I pull another pillow behind my head and settle in to watch TV and relax in bed for once. I never get to relax. After last night I’m feeling so stress free I think I can finally just sit for once without feeling the need to get up and work.

Preston:911. Need you at the house asap.

Well, shit. There goes my plan for relaxing.

That text from Preston doesn’t mean anything good. I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt before calling Preston as I head down to my truck.

Preston answers on the first ring. “Elizabeth is here, banging on my door. Demanding to know where you are.”

“What the hell.” Can I not have just one day without her bullshit? “Be there in two minutes.” I throw my truck in drive and smash the button for my truck to text Lacey a little harder than I need to.

I let Lacey know since she was so open with me about Michael’s text. I don't want her to think I am hiding anything from her.

Me:Elizabeth is at Preston’s. I’m heading there now, didn’t want you to find out from anyone else.

Next I call Brad. Since we officially have a restraining order in place, she shouldn’t be there, or anywhere near me.

“Hey, buddy. A little early for a social call no?” Brad asks, chuckling at his joke.

“Sorry. Not social. Are you on duty?” I grit out. My knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly, trying to get my anger under control. Of course Elizabeth would ruin today.