“Yeah, what’s up?” Now he sounds concerned.
“My ex wife is at Preston’s house. We have a restraining order in place. She is only supposed to communicate via lawyers.” I’m being short, again. Brad doesn’t deserve that.
“Got it. Be there in five.”
We hang up as I’m pulling in Preston’s driveway. I’m grateful to see that Preston and Scarlett are not outside.
When I go to get out of the truck, I notice that Elizabeth is not her usual self. She looks disheveled and unkempt. She has hair sticking out every which way, instead of pulled back in the bun at the nape of her neck, she's wearing sweatpants that are definitely not hers, and a shirt that has stains all over it. Very unlike her. “Elizabeth, what do you need? Why are you here?”
As she runs up to me I notice she has a gun in her hand. This is not what I expected today. “Elizabeth. Put that gun down.”
She doesn’t listen and keeps walking toward me. “Oh, darling, I have just missed you so much. You haven’t been home in so long. I was beginning to worry.”
What is she talking about? “Elizabeth, we’re getting divorced. Why would I come home?” I take a few steps back from her and try to get in my truck, away from her. Unfortunately, she lunges for me, wrapping her body around mine.
I see Preston and Scarlett on the porch now. Scarlett is on the phone and I’m not sure if she’s calling the police or talking to Lacey. I never got to respond to Lacey either, damn it.
“Elizabeth, let’s take a walk. Please give this to me.” I reach for the gun slowly, making it look like I'm just trying to take her hand for a walk.
She refuses, pulling her hand away from me as if she's figured out what I'm doing. “Colton, love, why do you keep saying we are getting divorced? You know you love me, and we can’t be getting divorced. This is just a little tiff like always. It’s time to come home.” She lays her head against my chest.
“Elizabeth, you know that isn’t the case. You aren’t supposed to be here. Remember if you need something you are supposed to go through the lawyers.” I’m trying to stay calm but the way she’s waving that gun around me has me nervous.
I’ve never seen Elizabeth with a gun before. I don’t think she’s capable of using one, at least not how you’re supposed to, safely. I glance to the house and see Preston peering out from behind the curtain, I’m sure he has sent Scarlett to the bedroom in case things go south, more than they already are.
“No. No, Colton! We. Are. Not. Getting. A. Divorce.” She points at me, her finger poking my chest with each word she is spitting out at me through clenched teeth.
Shit. I need a different approach. Maybe I need to give her what she wants to diffuse the situation.
“Let’s talk about this. You don’t want a divorce?” I reach out to her. "Okay, let's talk about it." She takes a step back from me.
With the gun still being waved around erratically, she starts babbling to herself. I don’t even understand what she is saying, but it is clearly not directed to me. Almost like she's talking to herself about my offer.
Luckily, Brad shows up just then. He stops his car door from closing right before it makes a clicking sound, and draws his weapon, walking toward Elizabeth.
“Mrs. West. My name is Brad. I’m a friend of Colton’s. I know he’d be really happy if you would just put the gun down andcome talk to me.” At the sound of his voice, she pushes the gun into my face, resting the tip of the gun on my lips.
I’m glad he sees the situation for what it is. I hear him whisper something into his radio, but I’m focused on Elizabeth and the gun pointed in my face, almost touching my lips. Her eyes snap open and focus on Brad. This isn’t Elizabeth, I can see it in her eyes.
Something is very, very wrong.
“Ma’am, let’s give me the gun, and we can go talk things through.” Brad approaches slowly.
She begins waving the gun around in the air again. “What? You think I’mcrazynow? Is that it, Colton? Is that why you don’t want to be with me anymore?” She has tears streaming down her cheeks.
I have never seen her act this way. I need to stop her. I slowly reach towards her face, cup my hands on her cheeks and softly say her name. She takes my offering, and her hands drop to her side. She is solely focused on me, and Brad is able to come in and take the gun from her.
“Elizabeth, look at me,” I say quietly, trying to keep her distracted from Brad. “Are you okay? I’m worried about you.”
Brad places the gun down without her noticing, and he comes up to handcuff her. That breaks the spell she is under, and she starts losing it again.
“I’m not fucking crazy, Colton! You are not divorcing me. Me of all people! Can you believe him? He thinks he can divorce me?” She looks at Brad, like he's going to agree with her.
Brad leads her to his cruiser and places her in the backseat. Once he shuts the door, Preston comes down to talk to us and another cruiser shows up.
They take our statements and Preston tells us that it appears she has had a mental breakdown. The stress of the divorce and losing everything she held important must have finally taken itstoll on her. I give them her parent’s number and the police will give it to the doctors, who will call them to come get her from the hospital in the city. I feel bad that Brad is going to have to drive with her that long given how she is currently acting in the police car while we talk, screaming, kicking, and banging on the window.