"Really, Addy?" I say eyeing her set up. "I don't need help getting ready." I cross my arms.

“Lacey, no. You cannot get over Michael by getting under someone else, when you refuse to put on real clothes.” She rolls her eyes at me.

What is with this town and me getting under someone new?

“I don’t want to get under anyone, Addy. I have a son to look out for. I just want to have some fun with my sisters tonight.” Ilie to her, I absolutely want to be under Colton. I’m still trying to recover from him pushing me against the wall earlier.

“Whatever, Lace. Put on jeans. No arguments.” She rolls her eyes at me and tosses the jeans to me.

I roll my eyes back at her. She is being so bossy. “Fine, Addy. Are you always like this? I might need to rethink this move.”

“Too late, Sis. You purchased property.” She says as she smiles and pours two glasses of wine. “Wait until you see the shoes I brought.”

Oh god. I can only imagine. Addy is the only one who stayed in Lupine Valley, and is a teacher, but she is by far the most fashionable one of the four of us.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I exclaim as I see the shoe options she expects me to choose from.

“No way will these kill you. Look, they have a wedge not a heel.” She holds up some boots with a wedged heel.

“Addy! Those are thigh high boots with a three inch wedge. I wear Converse or Uggs. These will absolutely kill me.” I say as I examine the offending shoes.

“Oh stop. Your shoe choices are why I’m here. That and the fact you don’t wear real pants, ever.” She smirks and I feel like her life sized doll.

Rolling my eyes isn’t helping to sway her back to my Uggs so I grab the boots and put them on.

Standing in front of the mirror I can’t even believe that it’s me I’m looking at.

“Woah. You’re hot. My job here is done.” Addy walks out like this is her mic drop moment. She might have gotten me in these boots, but she can’t stop me from putting my Uggs in my mom sized purse.

"Just kidding. You're hopeless with make-up I'll be back!" She walks back in my room eyeing me, looking at my favorite comfort shoes.

“Do not even think you’re bringing that mom purse with comfortable shoes in it Lace.” Damn it. How does she know exactly what I’m thinking?

“I hate you!” I scream down the hall followed by bellows of laughter from Mom and Adelaide.

When Addy finally deems me acceptable, I am allowed to come downstairs.

Oliver is telling Mom all about the Halloween costume he wants. He wants to be a construction worker just like Colton, and that just melts my heart a little more. “... Oh, and Grandma, don’t forget we need to get a big candy bag. There are a lot of houses here and my friend said he’s going to tell me all the houses that give out thebigcandy bars.”

“Woah, baby. Let’s just focus on having fun, and not the cavities!” I ruffle his too long hair. I've been so busy with the salon space lately I haven't given him a haircut.

“Mommy, that isn’t fun!” He whines, dragging out the last word.

“Come give Mommy a hug, I’m leaving with Aunty Addy.” I crouch down and reach my arms out as he runs over to me.

After our goodbyes Addy and I walk to The Bar and I’m regretting my shoe choice already. And that I listened to her in the first place. I have a scowl on my face, not hiding the displeasure I'm feeling.

“Lace, come on, it isn’t that bad.” She is laughing at me, like the little brat she is, while she has no problems walking in the heels she is wearing.

We get to The Bar first despite the damn shoes slowing me down. Lauren shows up next, then Preston, Scarlett and Colton. And damn if my mouth doesn’t water just from the sight of Colton.

Seriously. This man is perfection to look at in his dark jeans and flannel rolled up to his elbows, showcasing the muscles in his forearms.

He’s walking next to Preston and they’re shoving each other and laughing. He’s totally relaxed and happy despite what happened earlier. How that idiot wasted a marriage to him is beyond me.

Colton comes straight to me like a magnet is pulling us together. He ignores everyone else around us, eyes set directly on me. He leans down and whispers in my ear, “You look amazing. I’m loving the boots, Lace.”

I look up at him and smile. Before I can think about the fact we are with our entire group, I lean closer and steal a quick kiss. We hear whistles coming from Preston and a collective gasp from the women. Shit.