Page 79 of Naughty & Nice

I feel more powerful than I have in my entire life.

With my eyes still on them, I blindly reach for the bottle of vodka. Ignoring the glass before me, I twist the top off and take a shot.

If you can’t beat them, join them, right?

It burns down my throat before warming my stomach and sending a little extra confidence through my veins.

“Are you just going to watch us?” Wilder taunts. “Or are you going to man up and join us?”

The need to take the easy route burns through it. It’s what I’d always do.

But that was then; this is now.

Sitting forward, I rest my elbows on my knees.

“Is that what you want, Noelle?” I ask, focusing on her desire-filled, glassy eyes.

She bites down on her bottom lip. It’s the simplest of reactions, but it hits me right in the dick.

The image of her on her knees in the bathroom for me earlier hits me out of nowhere, and my temperature spikes.

“Yes,” she breathes. Her voice is barely loud enough to be heard over the music blaring from Wilder’s cell, but I don’t need to hear it; I see the answer.

Pushing to my feet, I saunter over. The second we’re in reaching distance, she holds her hands out for me.

Without overthinking it, I twist my fingers with hers and lift her arms over my shoulders as I step into her body.

Taking her face in my hands, I lower my lips to hers and kiss her as if we were alone.

Wilder’s attention burns, but I push it aside.

Fuck him.

He’s the one who takes exactly what he wants. For the briefest moment, I wonder how it must feel with the shoe on the other foot, but then I remember that I’m not caring about anyone but what Noelle and I want for once, and I push it aside.

Together the three of us move to the music, and eventually, I release her lips, resting my brow against hers instead as we try to catch our breath.

The vodka makes my head swim a little, and I can only imagine that she’s feeling it too.

“You okay?” I mouth.

A lazy smile appears on her swollen lips.

“More than okay,” she confesses, continuing to dance between us. “How could I not be while pinned between two hot twins?”

“Hot, huh?” Wilder asks.

“Oh, pipe down,” Noelle laughs. “Your ego already knows how hot you are.”

“Maybe so. It’s still nice to hear it from the woman who’s rubbing her ass against my cock, though.”

I still, his words hitting me harder than I expected.

Noelle’s eyes bounce between mine, probably waiting for me to freak out.

I’m not going to, though. Instead, I take the other road, shocking the shit out of both of them.

“Is he as hard as I am?”