Page 80 of Naughty & Nice

Noelle gasps while Wilder’s face beams with pride.

Weird thing for him to be proud of me for, but I’ll take it.

Pressing myself harder against her stomach, I wait for her response—not that I need it. Call it twin intuition or whatever.

“Yes,” she finally breathes.


This is crazy. Crazier than anything I’ve ever done before.

Noelle pushes up on her toes and whispers in my ear.

“Stop overthinking. Just enjoy.”

Her hands slip to my ass and she squeezes.

“Y-yeah, I am,” I promise, letting myself be taken away by the beat of the music.

I’ve never really danced before. Sure, Noelle and I have messed about over the years. But we’ve never danced. Not like this.

My lips find hers again, and we make out like no one is watching, despite the fact someone is very closely observing our every move.

Suddenly, Noelle’s lips are ripped from mine as a loud moan spills from her lips.

I glance down and instantly discover why. Wilder’s hands are cupping her breasts.

My heart jumps into my throat as my fight or flight kicks in.

Rip them off; rip them fucking off, one voice screams. All the while, I have another voice demanding I let it go. To roll with the punches and see where it leads us.

It’s a hard battle, but one I insist on fighting because I know it’ll be worth it.

All the air rushes out of my lungs as I stare down at his big, calloused hands against her tiny, soft body.

It’s wrong, but at the same time… it’s so right.

“Pinch her nipples,” I rasp, unable to believe I’m saying the words. “She likes that,” I add as his hands move.

“Oh god,” she moans, her head falling back against Wilder’s shoulder, her eyes closing as she focuses on the sensation.

She’s still wearing my hoodie, but I know for a fact that she’s only got a thin tank beneath it.

“Kiss her neck,” I demand, allowing myself to throw caution to the wind now we’ve started.

Wilder’s eyes hold mine firmly before doing anything.

We’ve touched on this enough over the last couple of days for him to know that I’m intrigued. But I’m not sure he thought I would be brave enough to act on it.

Noelle is mine. She’s always been mine. But…

Watching the way her face morphs as he touches her. Knowing that she’s enjoying it…


It’s a head fuck that I think I’m okay getting on board with.

With his eyes still locked on mine, he leans forward.