But I let it slide.
Instead, I let my gaze travel the length of her, lingering on her breasts. “No one gets a free ride here, girl. Not even you.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Good,” I say, “because I never said you were. Never said I was interested.”
“Of course you aren’t.” Her bitterness gives her away.
Reaper’s off dealing with a troublemaker, and Knight’s busy for now, so I have all the time to toy with her.
I want to. She riles me the wrong ways, and I pick up my drink, taking a swallow.
“You’ll work. You saw the club downstairs, where the girl’s dance?”
She nods and goes to say something, but I shake my head.
“If it’s anything other than a yes, don’t say it. Because, omega, there are consequences for everything.”
She doesn’t move, but finally, she nods and I can feel the waves of hot resentment that wash up against my libido, stroking it. I do love a challenge. And a girl in denial about who and what she wants.
Business, however, comes before me giving her a lesson.
“There’s a private event tonight downstairs in the club. We get them all the time. This is for a group celebrating some big deal. Normally something like this wouldn’t be in Pandora’s but one of our more legit places on the edge of civilized society uptown. We know them, we deal with them and they want the thrill of the Avenues.
“But they’re a company we deal with, an above-board business who have underworld ties. So it’s here. They’re spending big.”
“I assume there’s a point?” she asks.
“Glad you asked.” I get up, pick up my drink and round the desk, leaning on the front edge, deliberately crowding her in the medium size office. It might as well be a broom closet for all the space it suddenly seems to have. She gasps but stands her ground.
And I have to begrudgingly give Lizette points for that. Others would back the fuck into the wall.
I’m not hiding who I am.
She knows I’m deadly, carnivorous, and I don’t give one fuck for her.
And all Lizette does is raise her chin and meet my gaze.
“We,” I say, “are short a girl.”
“And that’s my problem, how?”
“You need to earn your keep, starting tonight.”
She swallows. And I could come from the thoughts that cross her face, at the fact I’ve got her exactly where I want to. Plan whatever the fuck it is, is in motion.
I can play with her, and she can’t do a fucking thing.
“You want me to dance? Fuck someone?”
Something sharp slashes through me. “No. I don’t want that. Fuck, I’m not about to throw you out like fresh meat.”
“And here I thought that’s what I am.”
She’s got some mouth on her. I stand, walk about her, sipping my drink. “You’re both too marked and too fucking naïve to be considered fresh meat. They want the look of it and a girl who knows the score. Not a virginal omega who’s marked.”
“That isn’t my fault.”