I need help.
I take my backpack, and I slip out.
I run.
Istare at her, little fucking omega lost.
She stands in the office upstairs, looking like what she is, the girl marked by an alpha and out of options.
That’s not strictly true.
There are options. But none she wants.
None we want.
I eye her backpack and the bag at her feet.
It’s a little lesson in discomfort, and she presses those soft lips together before releasing them, the move making blood flow to them, making them redder. Her skin slowly flushes as those wide, dark eyes fixate on me.
“Trying to decide if you hate me?” I ask.
Her scent weaves around me, and it pisses me off. Just like it did before Julien interrupted the pre-private event prep we were undertaking in the downstairs club.
Knight’s handling it. There’s just the approval of the dancers and the vetting of the add-ons for the guestlist. He’s got Darcy helping, but he’d prefer to be here—he’s more thanaware Lizette turned up since he fucking bit her—but I need someone downstairs. And this is more my domain.
Besides, I’m not about to fuck her.
No matter how tempting she is. I have more control than Knight or Reaper.
“I already know that,” she says, the fierce tone making me smile slightly.
“Claws in, Lizette. You came to me, remember?”
“What else am I supposed to do?” Her eyes glimmer as her hands clench and release, clench and release, at her sides. “I don’t want to go to the Council, or to that pack. I don’t want to register.”
“You know that’s a serious offense.”
She tosses her hair back and takes a step toward the desk where I sit. “What is?”
I sit back. “All of it.”
Lizette’s silent for a long time. Then she says, that mouth twisting, “I guess that makes me one of you.”
“An alpha?”
Her eyes narrow. “A criminal.”
“Moving up in the world?”
“More like down.” Her snap is like a sting against steel. “If it’s with you.”
I’m not sure if she means just me or her boy, Knight. And, I’m guessing Reaper, who has a destructive edge that women find hard to resist.