Page 198 of Fallen Omega


Her note’s clutched in Knight’s hand as we run through the streets, something thready and wild and hot in my veins. It makes me sick.

Normally, I thrive on this, running for my life—for a life.

But this time…this time it makes me want to puke.

“We need to find her.”

Knight looks at me as we run. “We will.”

I don’t know if I believe him. I push harder, legs burning, and I’m veering, out of control. And I almost fall.

Knight speeds up, grabs me. “Reap?”

“Something’s fucking wrong. In me.” There nothing around, except the streets, a few people I dismiss immediately. “I can’t smell her. I should be able to fucking smell her.”

His hand comes down on me, pulling me to a stop, and I almost take him out.

He knows it.

Eyes me.

“Reap, we don’t need to. We know where she is. This is panic talking. Panic.”

“How the fuck do you know?”

He glances around, then at me. “I know panic. I feel it too.” He points. “Here, a fucking short cut.”

Knight takes off running and swings left, and I do too.

“Another,” he says. We take it. Trying to reach her.

Knowing it’s too late.

I know. I feel it, like I’m being stabbed rapidly, like I want to throw the fuck up, like I want to smash things to pieces.

I’ve gotten through life not really needing anyone. But fuck.

I need her.

She sees me.

And I think I finally want to be seen.

Liz is in my veins, burning me, warming me. Cooling fires and making others spring up. She’s cohesive, a cog. And right now, the old blackness that’s full of nothing but death and cold destruction is sucking at me.

I fucking need to get there.

What if it’s too late?

We keep going and Lizette permeates me.

It’s not just being seen. It’s by who.

Knight and Dante see me, but it’s her, she’s the one I want.

Because she’s special.