She has an unsullied heart, a soul that doesn’t judge or feel sorry for me. One that sees me and likes me and wants me.
The way I see her.
But it’s easy to see her that way. She’s easy to love.
And now it’s too late.
She’s been gone too long.
It’s my fault. If I’d moved faster, got back earlier. Been the one to confront Ghost.
What does it fucking matter that I’ve got the information Ineed? Information I know Knight will now be able to verify once he goes in the right direction.
What does it matter if she’s dead?
It’s my fucking fault.
I can’t get that out of my head. I saw her on the feed out by the dumpsters in a hoodie. Mason’s hoodie, so my fleeting glance filled in the wrong blanks.
I didn’t put it together, didn’t look again because when I came in and saw that, Dante staggered in, bleeding, and collapsed.
Ghost… Ghost’s gone. And whether the fuck’s gone off to die or found another life in him, now Liz is lost, he knows we’ll destroy him. I don’t think he’ll be back.
We look at the building. I don’t usually carry a gun, but I do now, and we both pull our weapons and race in.
I can’t fucking smell her, and I lose my mind.
I can’t hear whatever Knight’s saying, there’s a roaring in my ears, and I slam into the door, splintering it.
I look at the carnage. The blood. And I fall to my knees.
Knight drops his knife, takes my gun, and shoots the prick that’s dead on the ground. I can smell the death in the room.
I’m paralyzed. Lost. And I have no one to rip apart and kill.
“Snap the fuck out of it,” Knight says. “See this is why you two need sensitivity classes. Get over here and help me.”
My head snaps up.
I smell death but I also smell gardenias and relief floods me. She’s alive.
So much for being a big bad. Love fucking sucks. If it brings a man like me to my knees then?—
Then I’ll take it.
Knight’s checking her over, murmuring to her. “It’s okay, Liz, baby, it’s okay. I’m here and I’ll protect you and I have your hunter, too. You brought him to his knees. You’re a badass. No one brings Reap to his knees, just you. Wake up.”
The thing that beats in my chest clenches. It isn’t a heart. It’s something else, a ball of little used emotions, a ball awakened by her. It clenches and I think I might die if she doesn’t open her fucking eyes.
“Liz,” I whisper. “Angel… Come on.”
She moans and struggles to sit up. I look at him. The knight in his pretty armor’s got glittering, shimmering eyes, and a tear slides down a cheek.
He doesn’t bother dashing it away, just smiles and helps her sit straighter. She almost falls into his arms, but not from weakness or injury. From emotion. She’s falling into him.
Liz touches his tear and licks her finger.