Here I thought we’d have a movie night or something.
Taylor pulled me close, slanting his lips over mine. The kiss was teasing and playful, making my heart slam in my chest and my knees to go weak. I couldn’t get enough of him. Even if he wasn’t as demanding as the alphas, he turned me on the same.
When he pulled away I followed for a second before blinking up at him.
“I know damn well this pack needs to get over this awkwardness and tension. We need to lighten the mood,” he admitted before grabbing a walkie talkie from a drawer and clicking the button.
He looked right at me, excitement dancing in his blue eyes.
“Teams are us, and then everyone else is on their own. Whoever wins gets to pick the movie tonight.”
I guess there was a movie after all.
He clicked the button on the side of the walkie before calling out to the guys.
“Game on.”
I heard a whoop from somewhere in the house, Leo’s voice echoing out.
“Don’t let him shoot you, sunshine,” Taylor warned before we were off. I made sure my gun was loaded and ready, holding it in front of me as we padded through the house.
It was still insanely quiet but some of Taylor’s excitement was rubbing off on me. I couldn’t help the grin off my face as we moved as stealthily as possible.
“To your right,” Taylor belted out. I turned just in time to see Maverick barreling past from one room to the next. We both shot out an array of bullets, one hitting Maverick right in the cheek.
“Ouch, fuck!” he yelled before losing his balance, his socked feet sliding across the hallway until he fell against the wall.
The poor wall groaned underneath his weight but thankfully he didn’t put a hole in it.
“You better not be tearing my house down!” Leo screeched from somewhere further down the hall. That was enough for Taylor and I to take off that way, seeking him out.
The first two rooms were empty and I was just about to give up when I saw movement behind some of the boxes in the corner of the room. I stopped Taylor, holding my finger to my lips before creeping closer.
The closer I got, the more I could hear the ragged breathing. Leo was letting the suspense get to him, that much was clear.
Right when I was about to reach the boxes, I kicked my foot out, knocking one out of the way.
“Gotcha!” I screamed before shooting. Leo shielded his face, his laughter filling the air as I bombarded him with bullets.
“That’s it. Nobody said there wasn’t any retaliation in this game,” he said. In one quick move, he snatched the gun from my hands and tossed it aside before tackling me down to the ground. His hands rested behind my head but the impact still took my breath away.
Then his fingers were digging into my sides, tickling me relentlessly so that I was screeching with laughter as I tried to get away.
“I’ll save you, sunshine,” Taylor promised. I heard the click of the gun as he shot bullets at Leo. There were enough raining down on us that he let his focus shift. I used the opportunity to squirm out from under him, snatching my gun back in the process.
“Come on, Taylor, we still have one to go,” I said, grabbing his hand when he was close enough and pulling him down the hall.
We headed downstairs this time, where I knew Bennett had to be hiding. I was full of warmth and excitement, feeling lighter than I think I ever had.
Of course, the ground level was silent and still. We should have known that he was going to be the tricky one.
The house was old and it was windy tonight, so every creak had us turning one way, then the next, trying to identify where he was. We checked room after room, coming up empty every time.
The only place left was the pantry, unless he doubled back to an area we already searched. I wouldn’t put it past him.
My hand was just hovering over the handle when the door yanked open and Bennett let out a yell to scare us.
Both Taylor and I let out ungodly shrieks, falling on our asses as Bennett came out, a smirk twisting his lips.