She's so fucking beautiful.I haven't been able to take my eyes off her all night. Sitting next to her at dinner was trying. It's been years since we've been in the same room together and having the only woman I've ever craved right beside me was the worst and best kind of torture. It took an immense amount of self-control for me to keep from taking her into my arms and kissing her breathless. Especially, when I caught the strain in her smile. If you took her at face value, you would see her wide smile and be jealous of whatever it was that made her so happy. But I know better, I've seen Peyton happy-truly happy-and she is most definitely nothappy.
I tried to strike up a conversation with her more than once during the meal, but she was constantly chatting with our tablemates. I caught her attention once or twice, but I got polite responses and nothing more. I'll be honest; I'm not a bit surprised that she avoided talking to me. I've not been the most friendly guy in the past, and the only excuse I've got is lame asfuck.
Green-eyed monster style jealousy. Peyton and my little brother, Theo, have been best friends since high school. Her family moved in next door to us the summer of my junior year. Peyton was a knock-out even then. Thick brown hair, green eyes with little flecks of gold, and pink poutylips.
I swear she had every man in the county wrapped around her little finger. She would push that bottom lip out and get this soft, pleading look in her eyes and no matter who it was they were under her spell. I was watching from my bedroom window, trying to convince myself to introduce myself to her, when Theo jogged up to her taking the box from her hands and giving her one of his patentedsmiles.
I wasn't shocked when the pair became fast friends. Theo was and still is a great guy. I can't blame Peyton for preferring his company to mine. We are about as opposite as they come. He's quick to smile and charming while I'm brooding and closed off. I'd like to say I'm a changed man. The truth is, I'm the same as I've ever been with only one exception, now I don't hesitate to take what Iwant.
And I wantPeyton.
* * *
The bartender leans closerto my girl, saying something that has a grin spreading across Peyton's lush lips. Jealousy rips through me at seeing the first genuine smile I've seen from her all night. I want to be the one to give her those smiles, and some asshole is getting the pleasure. I clench my fists at my sides, trying to control myself. Flying off the handle won't help me win Peyton over. I know I have my work cut out for me after our tumultuous past. I'm determined to make her mine, and I only have three days to make ithappen.
She throws her head back laughing. Her glossy brown hair trails down her back stopping just above the curve of her ass. I can't help appreciating the way her dress molds to her every curve. The bartender finally walks away, and I breathe a little easier when her friend, Tammy, drags her out to the dance floor. That lasts about five seconds because then they are dancing and all those curves I was just appreciating are moving to the seductive beat of the music. My cock throbs in my pants at thesight.
Peyton's hips sway back and forth like a pendulum keeping time with the music. I see red when one of Theo's friends moves in behind her, gripping her hips. Before I can stand up, Tammy has pulled her away from the guy and is dancing with her as if they were lovers. Peyton plays the part perfectly, turning so that her back is pressed against Tammy'sfront.
"What are you staring at?" Theo's voice shakes me out of mytrance.
"Nothing," I say, gripping the tumbler of whiskey in my handtightly.
Theo's laughing response grates on my nerves, but the words that follow are like a punch to the gut. "When are you going to quit being an idiot and make amove?"
I take a long drink, relishing in the smooth burn as the alcohol flows down my throat. "She's too damned good forme."
Theo laughs again. "No shit, brother, but don't you think it's time to put the past behind you? You deserve to be happy, and so does Peyton. If I didn't think you could find that happiness together this would be a different conversation. I would bury you before I let you hurther."
"Gee, thanks, bro," I saysarcastically.
Theo grips my shoulder before walking away. His words play on repeat in my mind as I watch Peyton dance. I should be glad that my brother gave me his blessing, but it rankles that I even felt like I needed his permission. I'm not that guy. I take what I want when I want it. I'm so completely lost in my thoughts that I almost miss when Peyton pulls away from the crowd that had surrounded her on the dancefloor. She's making her way back to the bar. The bartender that was serving her earlier looks her up and down as she walks toward him. I clench my fist around my glass so tightly I'm surprised it doesn't shatter in my hand. I cross the room to the bar without a second thought. Theo was right; it's time I claim mywoman.
Chapter One
Who turned on the sun and why is there a marching band in my head? I let out a pathetic groan that causes me to wince—too loud. I roll over and bury my face into my pillow, luxuriating in the fact that the bright light of day has been snuffed out. I consider all the ways I can murder Tammy while the drumline competition continues in myhead.
How could she let me drink so much? I thought we werefriends.
I admit that I needed a couple of drinks. This whole weekend is taking a toll on me, not that I’d ever say that out loud. That’s the benefit of good friends. Tammy just knew that I needed to let loose a little. Not that anyone would blame me. I mean we are in Vegas for my baby sister’s wedding. A wedding in which she is marrying the only man I’ve everloved.
Don’t misunderstand. I’m actually really happy for my sister and Theo. Theo and I are best friends. My love for him is totally platonic. People used to assume that we were together, especially after we moved in together, but it’s never been that way forus.
Well, except for that one drunken night with an awkward kiss and even more awkward boob grab. We don’t speak of that train wreck of a night—ever—that was the end of Taco and Tequila Tuesdays. Theo is a solid fixture in my life, and I can’t imagine my life without him in it. So, no, I’m not upset about the who… it’s the whole wedding in general that had me drowning in sweet alcoholic bliss lastnight.
Somehow, I’ve managed to become that girl, you know the one, always a bridesmaid, never a bride. I’ve been in fifteen weddings in the last six years. It’s become an ongoing joke within my circle of friends. I laugh right along with them because I can’t bear the idea of anyone knowing how badly I want my own happily ever after. Tammy is the only person that knows my secret, and that’s only because, after a couple of bottles of cheap wine and enough Chinese food to feed an army, I was feelingchatty.
With her encouragement, I easily ignored the warnings of the bartender who was mixing up the fancy drinks my sister paid a mixologist to create just for her wedding. It was something she saw on one of those reality shows featuring crazy brides and over-the-top weddings. Bartender Brad, sexiest mixer of the best drinks known to man, became my best friend. He warned me that the fruity drink would sneak up on me, but drink number two went down without any of the sweet oblivion I craved. I distinctly remember him shaking his head as he handed over my third drink and I slammed it back like cheap beer at a frat party. I also remember demanding another immediately after… that’s about the time things getfuzzy.