The bed dips beside me causing my head to spin and my stomach to roll. “I hate you,” I groan pathetically. I swear if I could move without dying I would kick Tammy’s ass right out of thisbed.
A deep chuckle responds as a big hand—definitely not Tammy’s hand—runs up my thigh, stopping to cup my ass. My very naked ass. “That’s not what you said last night, babe,” says the owner of the hand on my ass. His lips skate over my shoulder and up the line of my neck. The roughness of his beard sensitizes my skin. “In fact, you liked me a whole lot last night,” he says, his voice a deep rumble in my ear. His hot breath raises goosebumps on my skin, and despite my miserably hungover state, my body responds. My nipples harden and desire flares tolife.
I wrack my brain, desperately trying to find a memory—any memory—of who I’m in bed with, but no matter how hard I try, it’s a complete blank. My mind scrambles as he runs his calloused hand up my back. I shiver at the sensation. I might not remember who this stranger is, but my body obviously does. He buries his hand in my hair and gently massages my scalp, soothing the blinding ache in my head. If this is any indication of the feelings he invoked in my body last night, he’s right. I do like him—whoever he is—a wholelot.
The sureness of his fingers against my scalp pulls a soft moan from the back of my throat. “That feels so good,” Iwhimper.
Logically, I should be freaking the hell out right now. I just had my very first one-night stand, with a complete stranger, who is currently working some kind of voodoo on my body. I’m completely enraptured and want nothing more than to stay in this bed, soaking up the crazy good feeling of his hands on my body. Unexplainable and ridiculous as itis.
“See, I told you that you liked me.” His voice takes on a teasingquality.
I like you alright, but who the hell are you?I think to myself as his lips graze my shoulder again sending another thrill down myspine.
“We better get you up and ready,” he says, confusing the hell out ofme.
Ready? Ready for what? The wedding! I have to be at the spa for the pre-bacheloretteparty.
I shoot up out of bed and instantly regret moving so fast when the room spins and my stomachlurches.
“Easy there, baby,” he says. His voice like warm honey as he wraps his arms around me, steadying me on my feet. The hard plains of his body mold almost perfectly against mine—his very naked body against my very naked body. I pull away from his grasp and take in my surroundings, avoiding looking up at mystery man like the scaredy cat that I am. I’m still in the hotel, that’s one plus in my favor, but this is most definitely not the room I’m sharing with Tammy. Small miracles, at least she wasn’t a witness to my first trip to Slutsville. Thanks, Brad, I mentally stab the bartender for not stopping me before I got black-outdrunk.
I guess there’s no hope of getting out of this room without the awkwardness of the morning after, then, of course, the walk of shame. I steel my spine and turn, facing the mystery man for the first time. As soon as my eyes land on him I gasp inrealization.
Oh, myGod.
What the fuck did you do,Peyton?!
I just had a one-night stand with Kingston Barrett. Sexy as sin, totally off-limits Kingston fucking Barrett. I’ve had a crush on the guy since high school, but I was never even a blip on his radar. To this day, I still find it hard to believe that Theo and Kingston arebrothers.
Theo is boy next door cute with a gentle personality. He’s quick to laugh and generally liked by all who knowhim.
Kingston? Well, he is hard. I’m not just talking about his body, though it’s perfection personified. The fact is proven true as my eyes rove over his toned body of their own free will. His thick arms are covered in tattoos that wrap around his biceps, curving up around his broad shoulders before trailing down hischest.
My eyes move lower, following his perfectly tanned skin. His body tapers down to a trim waist. I can’t seem to draw my gaze away from the hard slabs of muscle covering his abdominals—well, that is until he shifts slightly, and I’m distracted. Saliva pools in my mouth and I swallow thickly. I don’t know why I’m surprised, but he has one of those V things that make even the smartest of women stupid. I’ve seen them in pictures and always understood the appeal but seeing it in person is jaw-dropping. Literally. I blink up at him stupidly, and I’m taken aback when I realize he’s looking at me with as much hunger as I feel. My nipples harden, and my pussy grows slick inresponse.
I lick my lips and get a small thrill when his eyes darken and zero in on my mouth. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth and let my gaze sweep down his body again. This time I allow my eyes to go lower. He’s completely naked, a fact that I noticed when he was pressed against my body moments ago, but as they say, seeing is believing and holy moly am Iseeing.
His cock is thick, I’m not sure my fingers could wrap all the way around his girth, and he’s long, at least ten inches. For a second, I mourn the fact that such a beautiful cock is on such an arrogant prick. A drop of pre-come gathers at the tip of his glorious length, my mouth waters at thesight.
A memory flashes through my mind—me on my knees, Kingston’s hands buried in my hair as he slides his cock between my lips, guiding me exactly the way he wants. Using me for his pleasure as I excitedly lick and suck his thick length. The memory makes my pussy clench, and I consider falling to my knees right now and worshiping his cock. And let me tell you, it is worthy ofworship.
Kingston takes a step toward me, and I instinctively take one back. His dark eyes flash with hurt, but as soon as it’s there, it’s gone so I must’ve imagined it. My heart pangs in my chest, an unfamiliar emotion gripping me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t drawn to Kingston. He’s the epitome of a motorcycle riding, leather wearing bad boy. Which is funny because he’s also a high-profile CEO to his own corporation, spending his days playing with millions of dollars like it’s Monopoly money. He wears his hair a little on the long side, and it always looks like someone just ran their fingers through it giving him a just fuckedlook.
Jealousy spikes and I’m irrationally angry when I think of all the models and beautiful women he’s photographed with at all the charity events he attends. The very idea that they could be the cause of that just fucked look leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It’s an old emotion I’ve fought against for longer than I’d like to admit, it’s also why I’ve done my best to avoid being around him. Until last night at the rehearsal dinner, I hadn’t seen him face to face in nearly five years. I knew that we were going to see each other, and I thought I had prepared myself, but I obviouslyfailed.
When I saw the place settings at dinner last night, I desperately wanted to switch places with someone, anyone, but it was impossible. As maid of honor and best man, we are paired together for all the events thisweekend.
Every time he tried to strike up a conversation last night, I was able to evade him. I was both relieved and hurt that he so easily gave up on getting myattention.
I never said my feelings makesense.
In fact, when it comes to Kingston, I’m all over the place. My body betrayed me by reacting to his closeness. The spicy scent of his cologne and his easy confidence made it impossible not to react. I swear there was a moment or two that I was practically drooling all over him. As soon as the meal was over, I escaped to the bar with Tammy and somehow wound up here, naked in the hotel room of the man I’ve lusted over sinceforever.
“I should leave,” I say, hating how breathless Isound.