“Marcus knows better than to mess with me.”
Nico grabs my small bag and tosses it over his shoulder. He pulls out a gun and grips it tightly in his hand. “Stay close. My men are waiting outside.”
“Wait - why - why would you put yourself at risk like this - for me? You don’t even know me.”
“Bella - now is hardly the time for this conversation. Do as you’re told.” He snaps, his eyes darkening towards me. I feel the fear inside me taking hold. There is a darkness in Nico. I can sense it.
I need to keep my mouth shut and do what he says. He’s here to get me out - not to treat me like a little kid and reassure me that everything’s going to be ok. My fears have nothing to do with him. I have to deal with those myself.
He pushes the hotel room door open and I see three armed men outside.
“Ready?” he says to them. They nod. “Ready, boss.”
“Grab her. If anyone sees us, it has to seem like she’s reluctant to follow.”
“Yes, sir.”
One of them grabs my arm and smiles at me. “Put on a show when the time comes.” He chuckles.
His humor goes over my head. I can’t even smile. I feel sick to my stomach.
Chapter 2
Her face is filled with fear. I don’t blame her for that. I know exactly what Marcus is capable of. I’ve heard the rumors. I’ve seen what he’s done to his enemies.
And Lina told me what he’s been doing to her friend, Isabella.
What really angers me is that Isabella is the same age as Lina. My little sister. It could just as easily be Lina trapped with a man like that.
I don’t really know Bella all that well. But Lina is very fond of her. And I know I would want someone to help Lina if she was stuck with a monster like Marcus. So, how could I say no?
My sisterneverasks me for anything, and shebeggedme to help her with this — so it must mean a lot to her. Bella obviously means a lot to her.
Lina is a good girl. In fact, most of the time I hardly even remember I have a sister apart from the college tuition I pay for her. She stays under the radar, out of trouble, and never asks for anything.
I heard the fear in her voice on the call earlier. She thinks Bella’s life is in danger. I don’t blame her. Bella’s lifeisin danger. In fact, Marcus’ last wife disappeared under suspicious circumstances a few years ago. I knew he was seeing someone new - I didn’t know it wasthisBella. Lina’s friend.
I said no, though. When she asked. I said no a few times. It’s a dangerous thing she’s wanting.
I should not be kidnapping the wife of such a powerful enemy. I should be trying to make allies, not starting a war. Doing this will put my business at risk. Fuck - it will put my sister at risk because if Marcus knows it was me, he will come after my family when he seeks revenge.
But when I heard the tears in Lina’s voice, and she asked me ‘what if it was me being forced to marry this monster?’ I caved in. Because that was my thought. What if it was her?
She’s right. Bella doesn’t deserve this. No one does.
So, I made a very dangerous choice — and here I am — kidnapping Marcus Frank’s fiancé.
Lina might not ask for much, but when she asks, she doesn’t mess around.
I can’t say no to her. She’s my sister. She’s my family.
We lost my parents right after she was born. I was so young, but I became the leader of the family on that day, guided by my older cousins and uncles until I was old enough to take over fully.
Lina has been and always will be my foundation.
She is also the only person on the planet. I can’t say no to.