The wedding dress is too tight. The long, flowing layers are claustrophobic, and I want to tear it off my body.
But I can’t move.
I can’t believe Lina is doing this.
She hangs up the phone and turns to face me.
“Get what you need, but only a small bag. It can’t be a lot. My brother will be here in about ten minutes. He’s going to help us, but we need to move fast.”
My mouth drops open in shock.
“Is this really happening, Lina? Marcus has people everywhere. He’s powerful.” I gasp.
“Yes, and there is one man I know who is more powerful.” She looks me in the eye. “Listen, honey, I have to go. I can’t be here. I need to be somewhere where people can see me, so they don’t link me or my family to this.” I know she is right.
“But I’ll be alone with your brother?” I stammer.
“Nico will take care of everything. He promised me.” Lina says. “I trust my brother with my life, and yours.”
She grabs me in a tight hug. “I love you, Bella. It’s going to be ok.”
I nod, feeling numb. Being numb is how I’ve survived so long with Marcus. I know how to turn off my emotions. All of this is too surreal. I feel like I’m in a dream right now.
Lina grabs her things, gives me one more hug, and rushes out of the room. The sudden, intense quiet is heavy and cold.
For a moment, I don’t have a clue what to do.
I snap in to gear.
Thisis really happening, and it is what I want.
Determination and survival kick in. I can do this.
I grab a small bag and start shoving things into it. A pair of jeans, sneakers, a top, my phone, no - not the phone - Marcus will track it. I toss the phone onto the floor. I scavenge what I can from my overnight bag and shove them into my backpack.I sit on the edge of the bed, my heart beating too fast, and I wait.
Time ticks by so slowly and all I can do is stare at the hotel room door. I keep expecting Marcus to burst in, maybe having found out my plan, maybe knowing — I’m so scared of him it’s like my brain thinks he is everywhere at the same time. “He’s only a man.” I whisper to myself.
The door opens and I jump in fright, leaping to my feet.
My heart is in my throat.
But it’s not Marcus.
A tall, dark-haired man walks into the room and shuts the door behind himself. He is gorgeous. His blue eyes are so piercing I am lost in them for a moment.
“Bella?” he asks. “You look — wow, you’ve grown up since I last saw you.” He says and looks around the room. “We’ve got to hurry. We don’t have a lot of time.”
“Marcus has men everywhere - he will be watching everything.”
Nico grabs my shoulders, pulling me to face him. He shakes me, not rough, but enough to snap me out of the spiral I was falling into.
“Bella. Listen to me because I am only going to say this once. You will do what I say when I say it. Focus. You have to be fast. Trust me. I’ve got this covered. I know who Marcus is.”
I take a deep breath and bite my lower lip. One nod. “Ok.” I try to say it confidently, but it comes out as a whisper. “I’m ready. Whatever you need me to do.” I nod again, convincing myself.
“It’s going to seem like you were kidnapped. It’s the only way we can get you out of here without Marcus assuming you ran. It’s the safest option for you.”
“What if he thinks you kidnapped me?”