“Twizzler?” She extended one to me, then bit into hers, and it definitely didn’t help with my daydreaming-about-her-lips problem.
A few minutes later she cracked her window, even though the A/C was blasting, and the incoming breeze swirled her red strands around her face. They caught the sun in the most hypnotic way, giving her an angelic glow.
“Are you still hot with the A/C on?” I was going to point out that rolling down the window would only make her warmer, but I didn’t want to be one of those “well technically” know-it-alls.
She rubbed her arms. “Actually, I’m getting sort of cold. But keep it at whatever temperature you want,” she quickly said. “I figured this way I’d get some warmth and fresh air.”
If it was just me in the car, I’d crank the A/C even higher—I never could seem to get it cool enough while driving for long hours. “I have a hoodie in the back if you want it.”
“Awesome. Because admittedly, this fresh air smells more like toxic exhaust.” A quick flick of the button and her window rolled up. “I packed my jacket in my suitcase for some reason, which is stupid, because I’m constantly cold, especially whenever I go into a restaurant and they have the temperature on arctic-blast setting.”
The seatbelt clicked free and zipped into place at the top of her door, and then she swiveled in her seat. “Every winter, I take a moment to thank the weather gods that I live in North Carolina now. Pennsylvania winters are crazy frigid. The downfall is that every place in the South loves blasting their A/C in the summer, when what they should be doing is enjoying the warmth, not making it feel like winter all over again.”
She maneuvered herself between the two front seats, and with her ass right at my eye-level with a tiny turn of my head, there was no way I could resist checking it out. So I didn’t bother trying.
I drank in the way her shorts hugged her curves, and the floral perfume I’d smelled this morning hit me again. It gave me flashbacks of how much I liked holding her against me as I explored her mouth with mine. Last night I’d told myself I wouldn’t initiate any relationship-type gestures, leaving it all up to her. But let’s just say I wasn’t heartbroken she’d initiated thismorning’s kissing session, and I was hoping she’d initiate more of them.
“Almost…” She slipped farther down between the seats. “Got it.”
I expected her to slide back into place, but a grunt came from her instead.
“Um, I’m stuck.” Her feet scrambled for purchase, not finding anything. “Like seriously stuck. I need help.”
“Eh, I think I’ll leave you right there. That way, I can do this whenever I want…” I debated between thigh or butt, and while I really wanted to get my hands on her ass, it seemed too aggressive. My brother might’ve known her for a couple of months, but I’d only known her for a little over a day.
A cold knot formed in my gut.Why’d I have to think about that?
Gripping the wheel with my left hand, I dragged my hand across her bare thigh and bit back a groan—her skin was as silky as it looked. “Yeah, I’m liking this predicament more and more. It’s only another hour or so until we reach the lighthouse—you can make it till then, can’t you?”
She kicked out a foot, but the only thing she managed to do was change the radio station. “I’m seriously going to punch you in the face once I get up.”
“Wow, you really need to work on your motivational skills. That’s not exactly inspiring me to help.” This time, I couldn’t resist, but went for a teasing pinch on one cheek instead of copping a feel.
She squealed, and I grinned, having way too much fun at her expense. A laugh accompanied her squirming, and I wasn’t sure if it was being squished or the blood rushing to her head that made it sound lower than usual. “Only I could manage to get stuck in a car. Stupid hips.”
“Hey, don’t go calling your hips stupid—I’m rather fond of them.” Silently wishing her perfect ass a fond goodbye, I moved my hand around to the front of her thigh and gave a light tug. When that didn’t dislodge her, I tugged harder.
Hard enough that the car in the other lane honked at my minor swervage—jeez what a baby—but it was also hard enough that Gwen managed to free herself. She sat back on her heels on the passenger seat, a curtain of hair covering her face, my maroon hoodie gripped in her fist like the spoils of war.
She ran a hand through her long locks, rearranging them back in place, and flashed me a dimpled grin. Then she seemed to remember she was supposed to be holding a grudge, her scowl so fucking cute I could hardly stand it. “I can’t wait until you get yourself in a sticky situation during our road trip.” She crossed her arms. “Guess who’s not going to come to your rescue?”
Hell, I was already in a sticky situation. But if she was doing the rescuing, I’d dive right in—this whole trip proved that. “I came through eventually.”
“Mm-hm.” She zipped up my hoodie and snuggled into it, and there was something extremely sexy about her wearing my too-big clothes. It felt like a way of marking her as mine, and I wanted her to be mine.
Whoa, thoughts. Let’s slow it down before things get out of control.A sentiment I should apply to our speed. I eased off the accelerator and hit the cruise control. It was way too easy to go fast in this car.
In the car, with the girl. I usually wasn’t a fast kind of guy, but damn did I want to be right now.
What were we talking about before I got so distracted by her ridiculous body?
Being cold. Pennsylvania. “What brought you to North Carolina, anyway?” Immediately I worried it was something I—as Evan—should already know. Some of the things aboutthis whole warped situation, like jumping past the stilted and awkward getting-to-know-you conversations to the more intimate part of a relationship were awesome. But I wanted to find out more about her, which meant backtracking.
“College. And… my high school boyfriend, as much as I hate admitting that.”
My fingers tightened on the steering wheel. I already hated the guy, even though they’d obviously broken up.