Page 14 of Dopplebanger

“He’ll… be at the wedding. I know I was a bit vague when I said I’d like you to come along since I have a complicated past with a few of the people in the wedding party, but I’ve hesitated to really get into it, because I didn’t want to, like, send you running. But now you’re kind of trapped, so…” Her laugh held an uncomfortable edge, and I automatically reached for her hand. She gripped it like a lifeline. “Long story short, Kyle and I started dating when I was a junior in high school. After graduation, we moved to North Carolina together—he had a football scholarship and I thought we’d be together forever, so I abandoned my plans to go to Penn State and went to North Carolina University instead.”

Great. A jock.I could hold my own in that arena, but not against someone who’d played college ball.What do you think you’re gonna do? Challenge the guy to a game of football to win Gwen’s hand?

“Is this… okay?” she asked. “I know it’s some unwritten rule to not talk about exes with your boyfriend, but I also don’t want you to be unprepared.”

As long as “okay” means I want to kill some guy I’ve never met, sure.“Whatever you want to tell me.” I slipped my fingers between hers. “I’m here for whatever you need.”

The tension claiming her muscles loosened a fraction. “I appreciate that. The short version is we moved to North Carolina, dated all through college, and then one day, one of mybest friends from home came into town. I was so excited to see her that I took off work early to surprise her. And boy was she surprised. So was I. And so was my boyfriend, who was naked and on top of her.”

Gwen glanced out the window, and I had no earthly idea what to say or do, or—shit.As much guilt as I experienced about this whole ruse, I was glad I was on the trip with her. I didn’t want her facing those assholes alone.

She let out a shaky exhale and her voice trembled slightly. “Anyway, you could say that now we got bad blood.”

She glanced at me like she expected something, but I wasn’t sure what. Evan said he would only bungle things up, but I was doing a pretty good job of bungling right now.

“Like the T Swift song? This is me trying to joke about a super awkward situation so it doesn’t sound so sad.”

“Funny,” I said, even though I did a bad job selling it. I hated her ex-boyfriend and her supposed friend for putting that tremble in her voice. For doing something so shitty to someone so sunny and kind.

“The bride’s a friend in what used to be our tight-knit trio, and Paige—the friend who… she’s a bridesmaid. The groom is also my ex’s brother, so yeah. So, so much awkwardness. When I hinted I might not make it to the wedding, Madison freaked out, and then Paige called me, and well, obviously I’m going, because I’m a big sucker. I’m from this small town where everyone knows everyone, and you can bet your ass that they all know what went down, so they’ll all be gossiping about me as they watch to see how I handle it. Anyway, now you’re pretty much caught up and… prepared?” The look she gave me made it clear she worried about my reaction.

“There’s a whole lot to sort through in that story,” I said, and she nodded. “But first things first, you’re not a sucker.” I brushed my thumb across the back of her hand. “You’re sweetand you have a big heart. Next, I don’t bet my ass on things. I need it for sitting.”

Confusion flickered across her features, then she put it together with what she’d said. “And for filling out your jeans so nicely?”

“Exactly. Speaking of asses that do an amazing job at filling out clothes…” I shot her a heated glance. “I got a pretty good look at yours when you were stuck, and honey, don’t you dare go betting it, either.”

A dimple popped in her cheek, hinting at her smile before it caught and spread.

“As for the people in town and your asshole ex and friend? I have no problem showing them all that not only have you moved on, you’ve moved on with someone who’s—in my humble opinion—way better.”

She laughed, and the last of the tension faded from her body. “So freaking humble.”


She leaned across the console and kissed my cheek, holding her lips there for a couple of incredible seconds. Since this counted as her initiating, I turned my head and brushed my lips across hers. What with me trying to keep the car on the road, it was way too brief of a kiss, but I’d finish it later. Like I said, she initiated, so it was okay for me to finish.

I was doing a great job of convincing myself how valiant and pure my intentions were. If only the angel on my shoulder would shut the hell up and let the devil on my right make his point.

We passed a few comfortable minutes of silence with the greenery whizzing by.

I wonder how long until Gwen can’t handle the qui?—

“I think we need music. Are we at that stage in the relationship yet when we can play our favorite playlists, no shame, no judgments?”

“I don’t know. That’s a pretty big step. It also depends on what’s on your playlist.”

“Um, awesome stuff. Naturally.”

“Naturally,” I echoed. “Let’s take that leap. I think we’re ready.”

The first song was decent, but a few notes into the second, I casted her a sideways glance. “Are you serious with this auto-tuned crap?”

Her mouth dropped open and she made a circle in our little car bubble with her finger. “This is supposed to be a safe place.”

“I know. That’s why there shouldn’t be…” I frowned as the tempo kicked up and divulged into electronica, nails-on-a-chalkboard screeching madness. “Techno dance music that tries to beat my eardrums to death.”

“You’re one to talk. You like horrible metal music that screams at you.”