“Would you do the honors of marrying us?” I ask him.

“There would be no greater joy in this world son.”

“Other than those grandbabies,” Mama quickly adds.

I kiss them both on the cheek and then hurry back outside to my truck. A sudden thought has me only making it halfway in my truck. I don’t have an engagement ring. I’m sure Honey doesn’t put a lot of weight into a ring, but darn it, I want to do this right.

It’s too late to go purchase a ring, but it’s not too late to go speak to Mr. Millard Montgomery. Honey’s parents’ passed away years ago, but even if they were alive, she’d put more stock into getting her grandparents’ blessings. No disrespect to the deceased. Honey has always held a tremendous amount of respect for her grandparents. Which is weird she vanished for awhile after she got married. But that’s in the past. I’m not going to focus on that or pry. I want Honey’s future.

The sun has already set as my truck bounces along the driveaway of the Montgomery house. Next door is Olivia’s house. Her voice and Honey’s carry over from the background. This is perfect. I hurry up the wooden steps and knock on the door.

Mr. Millard answers the door. “Hello Brother John David. If you’re huntin’ for Honey she’s next door.”

“Good afternoon, sir. Actually I was hoping I could take up a little bit of yours and Mrs. Minnie’s time.”

His salt and pepper eyebrows furrow over his dark brown eyes. “I hope nothing tragic has happened. Come on inside.”

As we step inside the warm and cozy living room, Mr. Millard calls out to alert Mrs. Minnie that they have a guest and it’s me. She hurries into the room carrying a tray of cookies. They smell fresh out of the oven. Does she keep cookies on standby for anytime a guests arrives? I eagerly accept the cookie and it tastes every bit as delicious as it smells. The rich flavoring and soft texture is mouthwatering.

“Mr. Millard, I’ve come to ask for Honey’s hand in marriage. It would mean the world to have your blessing in this union.”

“Have you asked her?”

“No. I felt it important to ask you and Mrs. Minnie first. Honestly, I’m not sure if she’ll have me. I don’t even have a ring.”

He chuckles and then him and Mrs. Minnie seems to silently communicate with one another. Finally, he stands. He walks out of the room without a word, not so much as a backward glance. Mrs. Minnie continues to smile at me with glassy eyes. Mr. Millard returns with a tiny box. “That’ll solve one of your problems. You might be better off asking God for me with getting Honey’s hand.”

I open the ring box to see a stunning antique engagement ring. It’s simple. Understated. Yet beautifully unique. Like Honey.

“It’s been in the family for years.” Mrs. Minnie tells me, her voice filled with pride and her eyes wet with emotion.

I shake my head in disbelief and happiness. There were too many feelings happening at once. This is happening. I’ve gotten the first couple of steps taken care of in a matter of minutes. We have blessings and a ring covered. Now I need to ask the woman of my dreams if she’ll finally have me.

Cash comes barreling through the room. An idea is already taken form as I stare at the adorable little guy with ears too big for the rest of his body. “Minnie do you have any bows? Ribbons? I want to attach the ring to his collar. It only feels right Cash should assist in this proposal.”

Mrs. Minnie blushes with excitement. “Oh how cute! I’ll get something together.”

Her grandfather seems a little more reluctant to the idea. “Better make sure he doesn’t eat it or you’ll be proposing while sifting through kaka.”

Chapter Sixteen


A glassof wine and some one-on-one with my best friend Olivia has me feeling refreshed. I needed that more than I realized. It’s been too long since we’d made the time to sit and visit.

I’ve almost crossed into my grandparents’ yard when I see him. The air catches in my lungs. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome comes casually strolling toward me.

Play it cool.

“What are you doing in Mimi’s yard?” Then I notice who’s by his feet and gasp. “And with Cash?”

Trespassing and pup-napping. Has J.D. come to the dark side? I’m picking up some morally grey vibes.

“We were hopin’ you’d join us for a walk?”

“We? Cash didn’t even ask permission if he could go.” Cash is definitely a bad boy.

“He asked Mrs. Minnie.”