Page 60 of Fury

Davis immediately broke off.

“Hate to break it up, but Chapel wants a word,” Benn said from the doorway.

Ducking to hide the heat rising into her cheeks, Hollyn swallowed, wondering how long Benn—she was seriously questioning deciding to call him that so it was less militant—had been there.

Davis held her gaze a moment before standing and roughing a hand down the back of his neck. “Nice,” he muttered to Fury around heavy breaths.

Acting like he hadn’t just let someone walk up without alerting them, the German shepherd whacked his bushy tail on the comforter, then rolled over onto his back.

Hollyn braved a look and saw Benn shake his head before stepping out of the doorway. She worked hard to calm her heartbeat, but the embarrassment currently surging through her made it almost impossible.

“I’ll . . . be right back,” Davis said to her.


The sudden awkwardness between them might have been comical under different circumstances. It definitely wasn’t right now, though.

“Come on,” Davis said to Fury. He tapped his leg before stalking out the door, and the RMWD jumped off the bed to follow.

When the three were out of sight, Hollyn buried her face in her hands and groaned.

Seriously, what was wrong with her? Falling head over heels in love and making out with the man of her dreams while Leila had just been murdered hours earlier. And Archie. He was still being held with who knew what being done to him this very minute . . .

But as guilty as she felt, she couldn’t completely snuff out the spark of hope that had been reignited in her heart. There really was something between her and Davis. She wasn’t just imagining things.

She reached for her necklace, and her fingers coiled around the small sparrow char?—


Her pulse sped up for an entirely different reason as she recalled what the man had said before Davis’s team had captured him.

Blueprints. Sparrow.Could it be . . .

In the chaos of the moment, she’d missed the connection. Now it was making sense . . . more or less. The project was safe, though. Wasn’t it?

Hollyn stilled. “No,” she whispered as dread coiled its way up her spine.

She needed her computer. Now.



What a kiss.

Davis roughed a hand down his neck as he stalked to the command room. Couldn’t believe he’d just done that. Couldn’t believe all he really wanted was to go do it again.

Bennion tossed a stern look his way as they neared the command room. Davis worked to keep his expression neutral, but there was no denying he was in deep this time. Didn’t mean he had to let the guy read him like a book, though.

Truth was, Hollyn had a way of getting under his skin like no one else. He’d have to put extra effort into keeping his mind mission-focused. It’d be more than a little difficult, but he wouldn’t change what had happened for anything. Hollyn was worth the struggle.

Fury preceded them into the secondary living room the team used as command. A long table ran nearly the length of the room, and most of the team sat around it. Computers, whiteboards, and dozens of papers covered the surrounding walls. Blanchard wasn’t around. Probably remaining offsite so they had less traffic coming and going.

“I want someone with Germaine round the clock,” Chapel was saying when Davis dropped onto an open chair.

Fury sniffed the table near Hale’s sandwich. The six-three operator was always eating. Without a word, he broke off a bite-sized piece of meat. Raised his eyebrows. Davis nodded his approval, and Hale tossed the morsel to a waiting Fury. The RMWD snatched it out of the air with lightning-fast reflexes, and Hale turned back to Chapel, taking a large bite out of his meal.

Licking his chops, the shepherd posted himself right next to Davis, eyes glued to the meal the oversized operator was inhaling, drool sliding from his jowls and plopping noisily onto Davis’s boot.