Page 59 of Fury

The last thing she remembered was Davis tugging her out of the car.

“You’ve been through a lot,” he said, hands hooked on the neck of his vest. His attention shifted to Nora. “She good?”

“One twenty-two over eighty.” Nora replaced her medical tools, then looked to Hollyn. “I’ll check back in a bit, but for now, you just need to rest.”

If only it were that simple. She still felt like she was in flight mode. Shame at her weakness flushed her cheeks. Nora didn’t seem fazed by what’d gone down at all. Probably could have taken out bad guys all night without batting an eye. Yet here Hollyn was, passing out all over the place like a sheltered lab rat.

Endurance test: FAIL.

Hollyn looked around the unfamiliar room. It was small and sparsely furnished with only the bed she was on and a single nightstand. “Where are we?”

“Safe house,” Davis answered.

Fury’s paw brushed at her hand, and she slowly ran her fingers over his fur.

Nora stood, bag in hand. “If you need anything or start to feel worse, let me know, okay?”


The petite operator stepped out of the room.

When Davis made like he was going to follow, Hollyn snatched at his hand. “Wait!”

“Just grabbing you some water.” He didn’t move. “Good?”

She forced a nod, heart racing again as he disappeared down the hallway. Being alone was the last thing she wanted. At least Fury didn’t seem like he had any intention of getting off the bed. He stretched his body out but kept his paw close enough for her to keep petting. His eyes drooped like she was lulling him to sleep, but the second Davis’s boots thudded his approach, the dog went on alert. Lifted his head and thumped his tail against the comforter.

Davis grinned and ruffled the dog’s head as he handed Hollyn a bottled water. A moment of carefree peace in the chaos.

She took a couple long swigs before capping it.

Davis sat down next to her, his presence pressing into her awareness at his very close proximity. “Feeling any better?”

“Yeah.” Not wholly a lie.

His chin ticked up. “Always were a horrible liar, Holly Hobbie.”

At the old nickname he’d given her, a grin tugged the corner of her lips. “Don’t make me give you a wet willie like the old days.” But the lighthearted feel was quickly replaced by worry over what had happened. And for Archie’s wellbeing. Struggling to find the strength, she sat up. “We have to get Archie.”

Davis nodded. “We will.” His constant confidence proved very reassuring. Admirable. Attractive.

Wait, what?

This close to him, she couldn’t think straight. All right, sitting up had been a bad decision. It put them entirely too close to each other. But she couldn’t lie down again two seconds after getting up. That would be . . . weird. Her gaze dropped to Davis’s mouth. His jaw twitched. She recalled how he’d kept her safe at the abandoned building. How he’d put himself between her and the madman despite the threats to their safety.

When she lifted her eyes to his again, there was something in them that hadn’t been there before. An intensity. Hunger.

Stomach fluttering, Hollyn felt the hairs on her arms rising. Hands tingling, she was caught in a vortex of emotions. Leaned forward. She just wanted to be closer, to siphon more of his strength . . .

Davis didn’t pull back. Instead, he slid a hand behind her head—fingers gliding into her hair, thumb brushing her cheek—and drew closer. Maybe they’d been unsure about their first kiss. But here, now, seeing the intent look in Davis’s eyes . . . yeah, this one would be for real. And the thought was electrifying.

Less than a breath separated them as Hollyn’s eyes slid closed. The first brush of his lips was soft and had every nerve ending buzzing. Then he deepened the kiss, and she sank into him, lost.

Never had she felt more protected or cherished. The warning bells in her head didn’t get a chance to ring this time. She wouldn’t have listened anyway. After surviving a car accident and a gun fight, she was all too willing to let Davis pull her into a world where only the two of them existed, if only for a few precious minutes.

Davis’s other hand wrapped around her. Tugged her nearer, and she hooked her hand around the back of his bicep. Didn’t want him to ever let go of her, especially when he let out a deep moan.

Someone cleared their throat from the doorway.