All he knew was he needed to be the one to get her—to show up at the airport and bare his soul to her.

He’d been a fool for far too long. He’d gotten into his own head, unable or unwilling to accept maybe they could have made something work if he hadn’t been so stubborn. His heart thrashed in his chest as he stood just inside the coffee shop.

Spices mingled with the coffee beans being brewed. Christmas decorations were hung on every open space of the wall. The menu had been written out in red and white chalk lettering. Everything about the shop reminded him of a year ago—when the holidays had hung over him like a dark cloud.

Not anymore.

He was going to make things right. He was going to tell Sophie how he felt. It was the biggest reason he hadn’t made any firm plans to go home this year. His mother would understand, at least that was what he’d told himself. After he’d patched things up with Sophie, he’d make sure to visit his mother and make up for everything.

His feet seemed to remain glued to the floor, cemented in with the tile that had been laid. He couldn’t bring himself to take those few precious steps.

Pippa glanced in his direction then her brows creased. Allie turned at that point, leaving him no other option but to move toward them. The woman who had been his matchmaker nearly a year ago, smirked at him, her eyes sweeping over his frame. “Hey, Duke. Everything okay?”

Duke clutched the box harder in his fist, not willing to let his nerves get the better of him. “I need to ask you something.” He glanced over to Allie who appeared just as amused. They probably knew exactly what he was there for. “It’s about Sophie.”

Pippa lifted a brow and snickered as she tossed a knowing look to her sister-in-law. “From what I’ve heard you two have finally stopped being so stubborn and you’re talking again. You don’t need me to be your go-between?—”

“When is she arriving? It has to be any day now, right?”

To her credit, she actually looked surprised. She blinked and tossed one more look at Allie.

He stiffened. “She’s not back already, is she? She said that?—”

Pippa straightened in her seat and shook her head. “No, she’s getting in…” Her brows furrowed further. “She didn’t tell you?”

He cleared his throat and tugged at the collar of his shirt. “She said everything was up in the air last we spoke. Then she got really busy…” The blood drained from his face. Sophie was avoiding him. She didn’t want to see him when she got back. Once more, his hand tightened on the ring. This might be the biggest mistake of his life—but he wasn’t going to let that little doubt stop him. “I need to know when she’s going to be back so I can meet her at the airport.” His eyes flicked to Allie. “It’s a surprise.”

It wasn’t pity in Pippa’s eyes he saw. Instead, it resembled something else. Excitement, maybe? Or sympathy? Understanding was there. Her gaze slid across the table to where Allie sat. “What do you think?”

Allie shrugged. “Up to you. Do you really want to go pick her up in an hour?”

Duke froze and his heart slammed against the ribs in his chest. “She’s coming home today?”

Pippa’s slow, teasing smile did nothing to ease the ache currently throbbing in his chest. “She’s coming home today.”

“And you’re the one getting her from the airport? Rob?—”

“Rob’s busy with some stuff at home today—cleaning out the guest room.”

Right. With Sophie coming home, she’d need a place to stay. Duke inched closer. “Let me pick her up.”

Pippa didn’t appear to be surprised at all by his request, but she didn’t respond right away.

“Put the guy out of his misery,” Allie murmured. “Let him do it.”

His gaze swung from one to the other.

“But Sophie didn’t tell him?—”

“Please,” he whispered so quietly he wasn’t sure she could hear him over the hum of the coffee shop.

Her eyes lifted to meet his once more then she sighed. “Fine. But if she gets mad at me?—”

“I’ll take the blame. What time does she get in? Do you have a gate?”

Pippa rolled her eyes at the grin Allie shot in her direction as she pulled out her phone. “In an hour. I’ll message you the details.”

Duke fidgeted.He paced back and forth just outside of security. Sophie was coming in on a private plane, but that didn’t mean he’d be able to meet her at the gate. His nerves jangled and hispalms went clammy. Doubt crept into his mind, recalling the surprise on Pippa’s face as he’d alerted her to the fact that he hadn’t known the details of her arrival, but he pushed it away.