Freya’s eyes narrowed. “You called him Duke, is that right?”
Sophie blushed. “It’s a nick name of sorts.”
“And he works with your brother?”
Why did it suddenly feel like she was being interrogated? Because she was, that’s why. Sophie pressed her lips together, biting on them as she avoided looking directly at Duke’s younger sister. “That’s how we met.” Her voice was small and she half-expected Freya to ask her if she and Duke were romantically involved but thankfully she didn’t.
“If you’re sure it’s no trouble…” Amelia hedged. Her eyes darted from Sophie to Freya. “We always wanted to come visit, but Charles usually came to visit us. Then he sent us on that trip last year.” A smile stole across her face. “Perhaps we could make a small trip work.”
Sophie released a relieved breath and a smile spread across her own face. “Wonderful.”
Back at the apartment, Trina kept giving Sophie a strange look. It was more contemplative than anything else, but she didn’t do anything to hide it. When Sophie couldn’t take it any longer, she whirled on her friend in exasperation. “What?”
Trina folded her arms and tapped her fingernails there. “You gonna tell me what you’re doing?”
Sophie motioned to the dishes she’d been washing after their supper. “I think it’s pretty clear what I’m doing.”
“I mean with lover boy’s family.”
Sophie winced.
“See? I can tell. Something is up. It doesn’t matter that you insist he’s notlover boyto you. Anyone with eyeballs can see he means more to you than you want to admit.”
“We broke it off for good reasons,” Sophie insisted. “We went almost a full year without speaking, for heaven’s sake.”
“That doesn’t mean a dang thing.”
Sophie shot her friend an incredulous look. “Yes it?—”
“No it doesn’t,” Trina insisted. “You love him, don’t you?”
She shut her eyes tight, keeping her balance with one hand on the counter at her side. “Ilovedhim.” It was more difficult than she could have ever imagined to confess the words aloud. “I loved him and he didn’t love me enough to want to try anything long-distance. I tried, okay. It didn’t work out.”
“And you never got over him. So I’ll say it again. You love him. Why else would you ask me to track down his family to bring them home with you? Unless you think maybe he’ll change his mind and take you back…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes narrowed. “I like this guy for you as much as the next person, but I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Sophie shook her head, turning her gaze to her friend. “I’m not going to get hurt. It’s a peace offering of sorts. I’m just going to…” She sighed. What exactly was she doing? Trina was right. If anyone could have come up with a grand gesture to show the man they loved she was still interested, this would be it. Shoot! She was going to get hurt.
“Hey,” Trina murmured softly. “I’m not saying it won’t work. I’m just saying you should be careful.”
Unable to find the words, Sophie nodded this time and forced a smile. “I know.”
“And who knows? This could be exactly what he needs to realize that you mean business. What better way to tell a guy you still care than to meet the family at Christmas time—to drag them across the world in order to do it.” The teasing tone had returned to her voice and Sophie laughed.
“It’s a little crazy, isn’t it?”
Trina held up both hands, showing her palms. “Hey, I knew the plan before I went over there with you and I still did it. I don’t think I’m the best judge of character when it comes to that sort of thing.”
Sophie sighed then let out another nervous laugh. “I really hope it doesn’t blow up in my face.”
Duke hadto be clinically insane. The ring in his hand practically screamed it. He’d bought it a month ago when he’d thought Sophie would be coming home for Thanksgiving, but then her schedule got pushed and she said she wasn’t sure when she’d be coming home—only that she’d be back by Christmas.
He snapped shut the ring box in his hand and glanced up at where Pippa and Allie were seated in the coffee shop. He’d noticed them entering when he’d come out of the hardware store across the street.
Time was ticking. Christmas was in a couple of days. If anyone would know about Sophie’s arrival, it would be them.
It wasn’t a good idea to go to Pippa about this. Deep down, he knew it. He should have just asked Sophie for the details—pressed her for them when she’d gotten quiet. Something told him she didn’t want him to know when she’d be coming in, but for what reason he wasn’t certain.