Page 31 of Understanding Fate

“Maybe when they come down, you could meet them,” I continue with a bit of hope leaking in as I sit on the end of the bed.

She stops her pacing, turning to look at me, and I can see she’s examining me. Every part of me wishes I could read her mind in moments like these because her expression reveals only the questions she has bouncing around.

“I’d like that,” she replies, a small smile pulling on the side of her mouth before she continues. “Can’t say I’d want you to meet mine.” She shrugs, rolling her eyes, and I call her on the lie she just slipped up on.

“I thought you told me they passed away?” I counter, my eyebrow raising to challenge her. The minute the words are out, I see her tense, and guilt fills me. My comment was meant to be playful, and the last thing I want is her back on the defensive. “It’s okay, Firefly; I got a file on you before we met, remember? I know about your mom,” I say, standing and walking over to her. I’m careful to move slowly, knowing my approach could cause her to pull away, but surprisingly, she lets me wrap her in my arms.

“She may still be breathing, but she was dead to me the minute she cost me Sammy.” Her words lack emotion, and I know the years since the crash have hardened her heart toward her mother. Every fiber of my being wishes I could take away the pain.

“I’m so sorry, Firefly.” My lips fall to her hair. My arms tighten around her as she stands there, fused to my chest like the missing piece to my puzzle.

“It’s fine. I mean, it’s not, but there's nothing that can fix what happened. The accident changed me. Part of me died withmy brother in that car, and I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t had to overcome losing him and surviving the foster system.”

“Why did they put you into the foster system instead of with your father?” I ask. Despite Presley's attempts to piece together her history, it’s a question we have no answer for.

“They would have to know who he was. I don’t know if they ever got an answer out of Elaine. She always lied to me, saying she never knew his name, only met him once, and couldn’t ever find him again to tell him she was pregnant. At least that's what she told me the two times I asked. The only thing I know about him is that I have his eyes, which wasn’t really surprising since hers were crystal blue, but she hated that they matched his. Makes me wonder what actually happened with them because you don’t hate a one-night stand or carry that for years,” she shrugs as she explains.

“Could be he just disappeared. We know he was the one who gave you the shifter gene because Elaine doesn’t carry it. We checked her out once we found out who and what you are. She never said anything about where he was from? An accent? A team logo, nothing?” I ask, wondering if we could find him for her and give her a piece of her history back.

“Nope. Nothing. Honestly, until I found out I was Unawakened, I never really thought about him. I was more concerned with surviving and getting away from her. I’ve fought hard not to become her. I think Sammy would be proud of who I’ve become,” she says, pulling back to look at me. Her eyes threaten tears, but the confidence in her declaration shows me how much she believes the words.

“How could he not be? You’re strong, intelligent, driven, and you have compassion and empathy for everyone you meet. You not only survived that tragedy, you’re thriving, and he’s definitely keeping tabs on you from up with The Fates.Especially if he knows how much trouble you like to attract,” I say, dropping a kiss on her nose.

She smiles.

“He always said I was too curious. Always asking why, never letting anything go,” she adds, getting a faraway look in her eyes as she reminisces.

“So… you haven’t changed that much,” I say, taking her hit to my chest with a chuckle.

Our eyes meet, and heat fills the silence between us. I wait, allowing her to decide—to take the next step.

Tipping her chin, her lips reach for mine. The kiss is gentle, almost questioning, and I can feel her holding back. My arms pull her into me as I deepen it, allowing my feelings for her to pour into the kiss.

I need her to know she’s it for me. I’m hers, and I’m not going anywhere. My tongue teases her bottom lip, and I bite down gently before she opens for me, giving in to the moment with a small moan.

The sound goes straight to my cock, and causes my heart to speed up. My hand slides up the back of her neck and into her hair, tugging it to tilt her head back, giving me more access. Her nails bite into the fabric at my back, and I realize we have far too much clothing on.

My hands slide down to her ass, and I lift her up, never breaking the kiss. Her legs wrap around me, and I turn to bring her to the bed, laying her down beneath me.

“Is this what you want, Firefly? I will stop right now if it isn’t, but if this is what you want, I need you to say it,” I ask, breaking contact and panting. I know this is what I want and what my wolf wants, but I need to hear the words from her.

She nods, her eyes mirroring my lust-filled haze.

“Yes, I want this. I need you.”

She barely finishes before my mouth is back on her, and I’m reaching for her shirt.

“God, I love you, Firefly. You’re fucking perfect,” I say, kissing the line down her jaw. She tenses, her eyes flying to mine, and I realize I’ve said the words out loud.


“I mean, fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. Not that they aren’t real. I mean every one of them, but I didn’t want the first time to be like this.” I drop my forehead to her chest, mad at myself for blurting out my feelings, knowing she’s still trying to figure out hers.

“Cain…” she says quietly, and I try to put up my defenses, knowing what comes next.

I fucked this all up…again.

My head lifts, and I see tears pooling in her eyes.