Page 30 of Understanding Fate

Hotel is clear. The owner is pack council, so we’re safe here. No competition staying on site. You’re in 320 under your usual alias.

I drop my phone back into my pocket and pull open her door. Her scent hits me immediately, and I close my eyes to hold onto it.

“Is everything okay?” she asks, her voice small as she climbs out, and I reopen my eyes.

“Yeah. I just miss you,” I say, extending my hand for her to grab before guiding her to our room.

Jess checked us in under pseudonyms, so I walk up to the front desk, placing a polite smile on my face.

The woman behind the counter visibly brightens when her eyes hit me, and I pull Bri closer to my side on instinct.

“Welcome! Are you checking in?” she asks, focusing all her attention on me, and I feel Bri physically pull back.

“Why yes, my wife and I are,” I say, releasing her hand and throwing my arm around her shoulders. I see the shock hit her face for a moment before she masks it and plays along.

“Of course,” the woman says, finally glancing at Bri with a forced grin before placing her gaze solidly back on me and continuing. “Name?”

“Elliot Woods,” I answer and feel Bri tense under my arm as the woman pulls me up in the computer.

“Of course, Mr. Woods. I just need to see an ID and take a credit card from you to put on file for the room,” she continues, still keeping all her focus on me.

My wolf bristles at the disrespect she shows my Mate, and I clench my teeth, forcing the control it takes to hold back a growl.

I set the requested items on the counter while squeezing Bri’s shoulder in an effort to relax her.

“Alright, Mr. Woods, you’re all checked in. Breakfast is served in the main lobby from 6 am to 9 am daily, and coffee is always served in that room. Pool and spa are open from 10 am to 10 pm, and you will find additional towels in your suite. We have you in 320, up the elevator to the right. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call down,” she finishes and slides the electronic cards for our room along with a property map back across the counter.

I grab my identification, credit card, room keys, and paperwork before turning away, leaving the flirtatious attendant there with a nod. We walk silently. Bri’s posture is stiff, and I’m sure her mind is full of new questions that pour out the minute the elevator door closes.

“Elliot Woods? Is Cain even your real name?” She steps out of my grasp, and the absence of her heat has me reaching for her again.

“Yes. My name is really Cain. Cain Arthur Mingan,” I pull her back into me, tipping her chin so she can’t look away. “You know who I am, Firefly. I’ve always been the real me when I’m with you.”

Her eyes fall closed, and she exhales. The tension slips from her shoulders before she looks back at me.

“Arthur, huh?” she smiles, teasing me.

“Caught that, did you… Yes, my dad always was a fan of the Knights of the Round Table. It took him months to convince my mom,” I reply with a small laugh as the doors to the elevator open.

“Was a fan? Is he still..” she hesitates, dragging out the word.

“Still is, and he’s still driving my mom crazy. They live in an RV and travel with the seasons. Mom complains that the heat in Vegas is just too much, so she spends time visiting family all over. Usually, they make it back for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but with everything going on, I asked them not to this year,” I finish, realizing I haven’t seen them since late April and wonder if I should have them come back for my birthday in a few weeks.

I’d love for them to meet Bri.

My Mate.

Mom’s going to love her.

Opening the door to the suite, I guide Bri into the room. She takes in the space and paces toward the balcony, picking at her fingernails absently. I give her space, allowing her to find her bearings, savoring every minute I get to be in her presence.

“I’m sorry all this has kept you from seeing them. It sounds like you are close,” she says, sincerity filling her voice while her eyes avoid mine.

“It’s okay, Firefly. Everything will calm down, and they’ll stop back in Vegas. I keep in touch with them. Mom even learned how to video call. Now I just need her to stop putting me to her ear.” I laugh at the memory of the last phone call. Dad had to physically pull the device from her ear three times because she kept moving it.

I miss them.

The thought is quick but fills me with an underlying need to bring together the people I love.