Deacon embraces Luca with a big hug, and they both speak Italian during the greeting.
Then, Deacon turns to me and introduces us.
“Luca, this is Marcus Stone from the Vegas Pack,” He says, causing his brother to raise his eyebrow in a way that looks exactly like Deacon.
I reach out to shake his hand.
“Pleasure to meet you, Luca,” I say before he can ask the question he is about to ask.
“Likewise. I appreciate you keeping my ‘pain in the ass brother,’ out of trouble the last few weeks. Rumor in the boxes is that you two were the ones to beat,” he says, humor dancing in his eyes.
Deacon smiles at the comment, which is refreshing. He usually has his guard up, and seeing it down around his brother is a pleasant change.
“It wasn’t easy, but I guess we did okay.” The tension shifts as soon as the words are out, and I can feel someone standing behind me.
Turning, my jaw clenches before I remember to keep my mask.
“Stickman, we appreciate the assistance in the maze,” I say, my voice pointed. “It was so kind of you to think of the other teams and how outmatched they were. Causing our delay was an excellent way to give them a fighting chance,” I say, ensuring I smile to make my words seem genuine.
Deacon’s eyes light briefly before he pipes up.
“I mean, I could have done without the silver bullet, but I can see how I would intimidate those withlesserwolves.” Deacon’s meaning is crystal clear, and the fire in Rodriguez’s eyes feels good.
“Sorry about your friend there,” he says with absolutely no remorse in his tone, and I fight to keep from flinching as he waves nonchalantly at the place where Amira’s body fell. Thankfully, they have removed it, which makes it easier to think clearly.
Before I can comment, a voice from behind Luca speaks up, and the man I assume is Deacon’s Alpha steps into our circle.
“You always did try to establish your dominance by focusing on the weakest. I guess some of us can only win in those situations, though, so I understand,” the man says, his strong Italian accent dripping with disdain.
“It is a quaint little post you have established here, Brody. Impressive that they would trust you to hold control over other Alphas, though if I heard right, you had some complications even maintaining the rules here with children under your purview.”
I struggle to keep the smile off my face as this man, who by resemblance alone tells me he is Giovanni, Alpha to the Northern Nevada Pack. Stickman looks like he wants nothing more than an all-out brawl, but he assesses the situation and understands this would be a losing battle for him. He changes tactics and tries for nonchalance.
“Gio, I’m surprised you decided to attend the final trial after all. I heard you didn’t want the other Alphas to know how you hide from your mentoring obligations. Of course, taking in a young Alpha would only prove how vulnerable your pack is to being overtaken or challenged for control.”
“I hide from no one.” He asserts, pausing and holding Rodriguez’s eye to let his words sink in. “There just has not been a worthy candidate for my pack to bring in for several cycles. It seems the bar has been lowered since this retreat has been handed over to the LLC. When an Alpha becomes available that I believe could be worth our time, I will let you know.”
Stickman’s eyes flash to me, and a grin pulls on the side of his mouth as if he has won something.
“I was hoping you would say that. As we have a recruit in need of a new assignment, I would say that any cadet who could outrank even your son would be considered ‘worthy of your time,’ unless you believe your progeny to not fall into a category worthy of mentorship, which would lead me back to the point that you are afraid.”
Rodriguez's blatant challenge causes others in the area to listen in. Giovanni notices the attention now being placed on the conversation, and anger flares in his nearly black eyes.
“We would be happy to take on such an Alpha if one exists,” he says through clenched teeth.
“Perfect. Stone, you have a new assignment. You will be heading to the Northern Nevada Pack to learn from Giovanni Marlo himself. Report in forty-eight hours,” he says to me before turning back to the group, a wicked smile in place. “I’m so glad we got that all sorted out.”
My eyes fly to Deacon, his expression is hidden behind his well-curated wall, but if the clench of his jaw is anything to go by, this is not good news. I glance at Luca, who wears his emotions on his sleeve, and the nervousness that shows gives me pause.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
Chapter 35
Theminutehesaysthe words out loud, panic fills me.
I don’t want Stone anywhere near him.