I see Marcus’s eyes fly to me, and I fight to keep a cool exterior, knowing that my father will use this as an opportunity to establish his dominance, prove he’s still strong enough to lead. Especially considering Marcus comes from the only other pack in our state.
A pack Giovanni has been angling to take over for the last year.
Stickman finds a way to excuse himself from the conversation, the excitement over the way that played out dancing in his eyes as he leaves.
“Luca, we have business to attend to,” Giovanni snaps before turning and walking away. As he gives me his back, I realize that he didn’t so much as say hello to me or tell me I did a good job. Not that I care for the acknowledgment, but it surprised me he didn’t do it just to maintain the appearance that he cared for his second son.
Brody Rodriguez really got under his skin.
Luca turns to me, a smile brightening his face as he wraps me up in a final hug.
“I’m proud of you, fratellino. I’ll look after your friend. Do me a favor and keep your head on straight down there with the Amatos. They play by a totally different set of rules. Remember who you are, in here.” He pulls back and points his finger at my heart. I nod before allowing him to walk off with my father.
“See you soon, Stone,” he calls over his shoulder as he leaves.
“I guess that means we can finally get some sleep,” Marcus says as we both head toward the tents set up at the exit of the arena.
We each grab a bed and rack out until the ceremony later that night.
The nine hours we got weren't nearly as long as we needed, but we pulled ourselves together and gathered back at the center of the makeshift arena.
Stone looked much better than he had this morning. The sleep allowed his body to heal from the repeated shifts after his fall.
I still can’t believe he survived.
The two final teams had found their way to the final location, one dragging the body of their now-deceased human and the other with a chunk of skin similar to Saint’s team. Team North was missing a team member and only had Mason French and Sean Moore.
I wonder what happened to Brent Barlow.
Their team had been officially disqualified, and they were taken away for questioning shortly after arriving.
Team South was the last to arrive, having no readable map but coming with all of their members just as the sun began setting. Sage and Megan wouldn’t even look at each other, and their bickering and snide comments had Anthony rolling his eyes.
I feel sorry for that guy.
At the ceremony, Stickman announces our team as the winners and Marcus as the top-ranked cadet. He then proceeds to list each of the remaining cadets and where their follow-on assignments will be, which causes mumbles in the boxes above.
Marcus Stone - Northern Nevada Pack
Deacon Marlo - Miami Pack
Finn McCormick - Austin Pack