They stood there, staring at one another, both breathing heavily.
“Have you let all of them fuck you?” he said through gritted teeth. “How many times?”
“None of your business,” she said, glaring back at him.
He laughed, a short, sharp sound. “It’s entirely my business. Everything you do now is my business.”
“My cunt isn’t your business!” She tugged against her hold, but it was like pushing against a locked iron door.
“It is if I say it is,” he said, voice low and dangerous.
To make his point, he let go of one of her wrists and slipped his hand between them and he rubbed it over her cunt. A shuddering breath went out of him and his eyelids were growing heavier, the heat on his face shifting to something darker. Something that made her want to grind against his hand. A riot of contradictions made her go rigid. Hot, wet lust erupted through her at the touch of his fingers, screaming for what Simon had failed to provide adequately. Screaming for the pleasure he used to give her. In contrast, she pressed her legs together,feeling a chill of terror go through her when she realized that if she let him penetrate her with his fingers or his cock, he would discover the key.
“Unhand me,” she whispered with as much ferocity as she could. She pushed against him, gritting her teeth. “I’ll scream!”
The look in his eyes frightened her. As if Ryan had gone somewhere else, replaced by an animal. A wild beast that would tear her apart. God, her cunt throbbed so badly that if it weren’t for the key, she just might have let him.
“Let go of me,” she said.
He paused as if he were trying to regain some control over himself.
“Let go!” She tried to push against him and tried to hit at him with her free hand, but this only seemed to excite him.
The lust receded a bit and disgust overcame his face. “But you’ll fuck Simon?” The look of hate on his face pierced her heart like a knife.
God, this was humiliating. Of course she hadn’t wanted to fuck Simon. Of course the insane, lust drunk part of her wanted Ryan to fuck her until she fainted right now, right against this wall. She’d dreamed of his touch for years.
But she couldn’t say that. Instead, she had to pretend that, yes, she would fuck Simon, but she wouldn’t fuck him. Still, she couldn’t even bring herself to say it out loud. Instead, she just glared at him.
They stared at each other for a long, heartstopping moment. He was wrestling with himself, flexing the muscles in his jaw.
Then, finally, he relented. The air went out of him and he loosened his grip on her. For a moment, she almost breathed with relief.
But the look on his face slowly froze her veins.
“I think you’ve been a little too comfortable,” he said in that same calm voice that frightened her. “I’d be happy to correct that.”
“No–” she said, trying to catch his sleeve.
He looked down at her hand with so much distaste that she reluctantly took it away. And why did that make her heart throb in a way that hurt?
Without another word, he turned and went to the door of the cell. She took a couple of stumbling steps after him and opened her mouth to call after him, but she couldn’t do it. He didn’t even look back at her as he locked the cell behind him and left the room. The slam of the door reverberated up and down her spine until she had to hug herself to quell the anxiety that was churning in her gut.
She paced the room and waited, on the verge of vomiting until the door opened again. Should she use the key and try to make a run for it now? No, it was futile. And she would waste her only chance. Whatever he was going to do to her, she was going to have to brave it until she could get away. She could not throw away the opportunity that she’d just won for herself.
The door opened again, and she whirled around to see Ryan and Joey striding toward her. A coil of rope rested around Ryan’s shoulder and Joey carried a chair.
Terror went through her like a thunderclap.
If they tied her to that chair, the key would be useless. She backed away when they came into the cell. Both of them had stoney faces and they walked toward her with purpose. Joey put the chair down and then they both came for her. It was futile but she made a run for the door of the cell. Joey caught her around the waist and she began to thrash, screaming in frustration. Then, Ryan was behind her, grabbing her wrists and holding them so she couldn’t go on hitting Joey. They dragged her to the chair and forced her down into it.
“Ryan, please don’t do this,” she said, voice thin with panic. “Please don’t do this.”
Ryan did not look at or acknowledge her. They both worked with quick, rough hands to secure her to the chair, ignoring her efforts to slip away from them. They secured her hands behind her. Her feet were tied to the legs, and a length of rope across her chest, securing her to the back of the chair itself.
“That’s good,” Ryan grunted after testing the ropes.
Without another glance, Joey turned and left the cell. Ryan’s eyes locked with hers while his hands made quick work of locking the cell. Then, he turned and walked away.