Page 31 of Prohibited

“God you’re wet for me,” he groaned.

She wanted to laugh in his face. He thought that was wet? Healthy cunts were moist. Hers was that, and barely. The idiot.

“Oh yes,” she moaned. “Just for you. Hurry, hurry.”

Hopefully he would rut her a couple of times and then be done with it. Not for the first time, she felt a grim gratitude that she couldn’t get pregnant. The very idea of giving birth to this man’s baby made her want to crawl out of her skin.

The push as he entered her made her lose her breath from revulsion. She tightened her body and squeezed her eyes closed, making all of the appropriate noises that went along with pretending to take pleasure in a man stabbing his penis into her reluctant vagina. Occasionally responding with, “Oh yes,” when he growled something at her.

God he was taking forever. Her somewhat moist cunt was getting dry enough that it was starting to become dreadfully uncomfortable to have him sawing in and out of her. But she gritted her teeth and clutched the key tightly in her hand, holding her breath on the threshold of freedom. She’d let a dozen clumsy, unskilled roughnecks like him use her if that’s what it took to escape certain death.

Maybe she was going to have to finish him with her mouth. An absolutely disgusting thought, but if his poking went on much longer she might–

The door to the cell opened and they both froze.

Evie hardly had time to turn her head when the most ferocious, unearthly roar of rage nearly deafened her. The poor lad who’d been rutting her uncorked himself from her vagina and tried to shove himself into his pants whilehe scrambled away, but Ryan got to him before he could finish grasping onto his dignity. Evie stumbled away from the bars and watched, mesmerized as Ryan threw Simon up against the wall over and over again. The younger man’s eyes were bulging and his face was brilliant red. He was stammering, too, but nothing intelligible was coming out.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ryan shouted in his face.

“I– She–”

“You don’t fucking touch her, ever, do you hear me?” And then Ryan punched him. And punched him. And punched him until his nose started to bleed.

“Please!” The young man said, trying to fold in on himself, trying to cover his head. “I– I’m sorry– Ryan–!”

Though her first instinct was to try to put a stop to this because the whole thing was technically her fault, she couldn’t afford to lose the distraction. Heart roaring in her ears, she turned away and slipped the key into her mouth, lubricating it with her spit. Then, she looked over her shoulder to make sure Ryan was still brutalizing her poor little paramour, and she slipped the key inside her cunt.

Business done, she turned back to them and went to the bars of the cage, grabbing them tightly.

“Ryan. Ryan. Ryan!” But he didn’t stop. Simon looked nearly dead on his feet from the beating Ryan was giving him. “Stop!” She cried. “You’re going to kill him! Stop!”

Ryan at last let go of him and stepped back, letting Simon slide to the ground. The bigger man was opening and closing his hands–knuckles split open on one of them–and Simon sat on the ground, shaking and sniffing. Really, she did feel sorry for him. Being an inefficient lover probably did not deserve such a punishment.

“Get the fuck out of here,” Ryan said, voice trembling with rage. “Before I do kill you. And you’d better hope you still have your fucking job when I’m through with you.”

“Y-Yes,” Simon said. Somehow he managed to stand, grabbing at his pants, and staggered from the room.

“Close the door,” Ryan yelled after him.

The sound of the door closing echoed ominously as he left the two of them alone. Evie’s heart skipped a beat and then slammed back into rhythm as Ryan turned slowly toward her. He was trying to hold back his anger. It was evident in the way his body hummed. His eyes seemed nearly to glow and his hands were still opening and closing.

“What the fuck happened?” he said, in a voice that was terrifying in its calm.

“I–” Evie swallowed. This was a pivotal moment. He was either going to direct his anger at her or he was going to direct it back at that poor young stooge who she’d duped into her plan. And, well, he’d already had his share of the punishment. It was her turn to be brave. She swallowed. “We–” She tried to laugh a little, blowing the whole thing off. “We were just having a little bit of fun.”

“Fun?” The way he said the word went straight into her ribs like a hammer and stole her breath. “With him?” Almost in slow motion, he put his hand in his pocket and retrieved a key. Then he unlocked the cell with it, swinging the door open.

Evie backed away until she almost fell backwards over the army cot that had been her bed for the duration of her imprisonment.

The look in his eyes made her palms start to sweat. Her heart raced and her hands started to tremble. In the midst of her fear, she was annoyed. Of all of the god forsaken things that might have happened, Ryan had to come into the room. And god, he was angry. She had never seen him so angry. Why was he so angry?

Could he really be… jealous? After all this time?

Evie moved around the cot, putting it between her and Ryan, whatever good that did. As he closed the gap between them with long, easy strides, she felt the heat of his body radiating toward her. And although all of this anger was directed at her, and she was rightly terrified, there was still a tiny, insane corner of her that was excited by his approach, by the sheer power in his body as he moved across the room.

“Leave me alone!” She’d fought him once already and lost sorely, but she’d fight him again if he laid a finger on her.

His hand snapped out, nearly catching hold of her arm, which she slipped away. But his fingers gained purchase on the silk sleeve of her robe and he yanked her aroundthe cot, tearing the robe open and causing her to nearly fall to her knees. But he yanked her upright and grabbed her wrist. With her other hand, she slapped him as hard as she could, which caused a terrifying rumble to emerge from his throat. He caught her other wrist and gripped both of them until her bones were grinding together and it felt like he might crack them. He walked her back against the wall and slammed her against it so hard that it knocked the breath out of her lungs.