Maria slides her arm around Anton’s waist and hugs him to her. Venom builds in my throat and I want to spit it at her. At him.
The gravediggers stand ready to begin covering Sergio’s casket. Anton, Roberto, and I don’t move.
Maria gives Sarah a look and they both untangle themselves from their men. They step away, giving me a quick glance before heading to the cars. The others are pulling away already. They can’t get away fast enough now that the casket is to be buried.
“I’ll wait in the car, Vincenzo.” Stephania pats my arm. “You should be with your brothers.”
I look down at her, at the small smile on her lips. She doesn’t understand how much strength she gives me.
“All right.” I let go of her hand, watching only for a moment as she makes her way across the graveyard. The wind blows the flowing skirt of her dress, exposing her thighs before she runs her hands down to control it.
“Go ahead.” I give the order and the excavator dumps the first load of dirt over the casket covered in long-stemmed roses. I step up between Anton and Roberto.
Dry dirt hits the casket, the sound echoes in my ears. It only takes a few scoops before dirt hits dirt. The grave fills quickly, and we remain watching, standing shoulder to shoulder.
It will be the last time we stand as brothers.
The gravediggers are busy moving their equipment and gathering their tools.
“Yeah?” he asks, sounding like a pouting child waiting for his spanking. If only that would solve this problem.
“You’re my brother,” I say, keeping my gaze settled on the mound of dirt covering Sergio. “That doesn’t change.”
“Vincenzo,” he says, a desperate plea front and center. I raise my hand to signal him to wait. I’ve made my decision.
“You’re going to take responsibility,” I say.
“What does that mean?” Anton asks, worried.
“Detective Anderson isn’t letting up on this. He’s getting close to finding out who that little shit was that Roberto took care of the other night.”
“What are you saying?” Anton turns to face me, realization blooms but he’s not ready to understand yet.
“You’re going to go to the police station after the luncheon and you’re going to turn yourself in. Take responsibility for Martin Peneva’s murder. You’ll tell him you found out it was him that shot Sergio, and you took him out.”
“Why would I do that?” he demands, anger rising up in his tone.
“Because the alternative leaves Maria a widow,” Roberto says for me, his voice as hard as my own.
Anton’s face pales. “I’m your brother.”
I look at the freshly filled grave. “And he was our cousin. I’m giving you an out here. This is it.”
Panic sets in. He’s never been great under pressure. Taking responsibility for his actions has never been a strong trait of his.
“You’ll get Travis on my case though, right? He’ll take care of the charges.”
I shake my head.
“No. No help from the family.” I won’t allow any interference. “Maybe Maria’s family can help, but there will be nothing from the Manetto family.”
He clenches his jaw. “Fuck you, Vincenzo,” he snarls at me.
“I’m being generous, Anton.” I roll my shoulders back. “I’m letting you take the blame for the kid’s death instead of Sergio’s because if the Mancinis find out you had anything to do with that, you won’t survive your sentence. If you even make it that far.”
My words hit him, and he backs down. It’s a mercy, and the only one he’s getting from me.