"But there’s people." She raised her chin toward the rest of the room.
"I'm aware. So where were you when you made the decision to come here tonight. Do you think one of these other guys you were going to try to hook up with would have let you stay clothed this long?"
He probably had a point, but she hadn't hooked up with any of them. She'd hooked up with him. One of her best friends.
"Are you angry I came here tonight? How can you be upset about that?"
"I'm upset because I'm going to have to repeat myself. Jade, lift up your dress and show me those panties." He annunciated each word perfectly; his eyes never wavering away from hers, and his jaw set.
"Sorry." She nodded and grasped the hem of the dress. The fabric pulled easily as she raised it up, past her sex, past the tiny patch of hair hidden beneath the purple lace of her panties, and up around her waist. In for a penny in for a pound, after all.
He inhaled and grinned. "I can smell your arousal, that's how wet you are."
She darted her eyes to the other people to see if they'd heard him. No one even glanced in their direction.
"Now, roll your panties down to your knees."
"Garrick." He'd seen her in her panties before, at least once or twice in college and a few more as adults. But this time was different. This time, she felt his stare, felt the warmth of his eyes on her. This time there was intention that wasn’t there before. This time, there was open desire.
He sighed but made no other move to make her obey or give any other warnings.
Her shaking fingers found the elastic of her panties, and she rolled them down over her rounded hips and further still until they were around her knees. When she stood up, she caught a glimpse of his smile. Pride. And it made all the difference. The embarrassment she harbored dissipated.
"Put your hands on my shoulders." He scooted a little further up on his chair, making it easier for her.
Garrick worked out four times a week, which included weight training and running. As much as she teased him for all the weight equipment he kept in his apartment, she fully appreciated it when her hands rested on his shoulders. Beneath his collared cotton shirt, she could feel the strength of his muscles. She'd seen him with his shirt off before, but she hadn't felt him, really felt him before.
"Now, I'm going to check, and if you're wet, that means you lied. And if you lie, what do you think happens?"
He had to crane his neck back to look up at her. "You'll punish me?" she breathed.
He chuckled. "You want to confess?"
Of course, she didn't, but she didn't want to ruin the evening by lying either.
"You're scratching your neck again. Put your hand back on my shoulder."
Damn him.
"Last chance."
"I might be a little," she whispered, looking at a spot over his head.
"Well, let's see."
Before she could register the fact Garrick was about to touch her, he was. Two thick fingers glided between her folds. The action met no friction since she was more than a little wet. Even the nervousness of being on his arm all night hadn't dampened the desire which built with each new scene she'd witnessed.
"Just as I thought." He tsked his tongue, sliding his fingers back and forth again, until he separated them, pulling her lips apart. "Fuck me." It was his turn to have a hushed voice as this thumb touched her clit.
The slightest flick and she arched her hips toward him and groaned.
"You want me to make you come like this, Jade? Right here in the lounge?"
She nodded, no longer giving a flying fuck who could see her. His fingers held more magic than any Houdini act on record.
"No, no, you can't just nod. You have to ask. Nicely, and I would use the proper address this time."
Sliding her feet apart a bit more, she adjusted her grip on his shoulders. He hadn't stopped toying with her, one finger rimming her entrance while the others rolled her clit. She would come regardless of asking, but just like everything else so far, he knew her too well.