He gave her a knowing grin. "I think you know. Now, let's see what sort of trouble is going on in here." A well-timed crack of a whip greeted them as they stepped into the main dungeon.
Chapter 5
Garrick was into her? Not just into her but wanted to play Dom with her. Jade could barely wrap her mind around that new development let alone listen to all of the things he talked about as they toured the dungeons.
She'd seen plenty of BDSM porn and knew what most of the rigs were used for, but she hadn't expected to get so aroused by watching the scenes playing out before them. Naked bodies everywhere, sounds of fucking coming at her from all corners of the room. And the entire time Garrick held her close to him, their bodies pressing against each other at all times. It was as though he didn't want to give her a chance to blow away from him. Like she would even consider it.
All those years of secretly crushing on him, and he'd been doing the same? There was something to be said for open communication.
"There's Carissa." Garrick pointed toward the corner. The room he'd taken her in had a homey feel to it. There were a few spanking benches, but no other bondage rigs. A few couches were scattered throughout the room.
Carissa was with the same guy from earlier and when Jade took a step toward her, Garrick pulled her back. "She's in a scene, don't interrupt."
"A scene?" Carissa sat on the floor in front of the guy, who sat in a chair behind her, brushing her hair. "What are they doing?"
"That's Jamison. A friend, she's in good hands." He cupped her elbow again and gently pried her from the room. Once they were in the lounge again, he sat her at a table and went to the bar to get them drinks.
"Carissa's more into age play than I thought," she commented when returned with a bottle of water for her.
"Guess so." He sat in his chair with his hands folded in his lap. "Now, about you." His eyes narrowed as she sipped her water.
"Me? I'm not into age play," she shook her head.
"What are you into? What did you see tonight that got those lace panties all wet?"
She'd spent most of the night pulling her dress down so no one would see those panties. "I'm not wet." The lie slipped through her lips before she could even second guess the idea.
He shook his head. "I promise you; you are soaking wet."
"Jade." His eyes darkened and he leaned forward, putting his hands on her knees. "You can either admit it, or I can check. Which is it going to be?"
Laughter bubbled up inside of her. The whole situation was getting silly. Garrick was one of her best friends. The idea he'd check her panties, and that she wanted him to, shook her a bit more than she'd thought it would.
"You giggle when you're nervous," he said. "You also chew that damn lip of yours when you're thinking too hard. And you scratch the back of your neck when you're trying to come up with a lie." She realized her fingers were running along her neck.
"This isn't fair, you know too much." She teased him and pushed his knee away with her foot. A playful act, that usually would warrant him to roll his eyes, but this time was different. This time, he was not just her friend.
"Come here, Jade." He pushed his chair back from the table and crooked his finger at her. She pressed her lips together hard, not wanting to giggle again. He'd been right about that, and at the moment she was more than a little nervous.
"I rarely ask twice. Make note of that. Now, come here." He pointed to the spot on the floor right in front of him.
"Garrick, what if this changes everything in a bad way?" She stood from her chair but didn't move toward him.
"It won't." Confidence filled those two words. As though he'd weighed it all before, he'd approached her. "Now, if I have to ask a third time, there will be punishment."
Not sure she wanted to go there with him yet, she stepped to him, stopping when he spread his knees and pinned her between them.
"Now. This dress, although extremely hot on you, is unacceptable. I don't want to see you dressed like this again, do you understand me?"
She regarded him silently, unsure of what to say at first, then decided he probably wanted a yes or no. "Yes, I understand. Carissa lent it to me." She pulled down on the hem again, then yanked on the neck line to pull it back up.
"Now, I want you to lift the dress up, show me your panties." He leaned back in his chair, looking unwilling to assist her in the slightest.
"Uh-" she looked around the room. Several other tables were filled with couples or small groups of people.
"What did I say about me repeating myself?" A hardness entered his tone. She’d always known him to be less than patient, but this new tone of his- it sent shivers through her. Good shivers, and all to the right places.