“Don’t look so scary. You’re going to terrify the guests.”
Dax took the cold bottle of water from Kara’s hand. Whispered Desires was opening their gates for a themed weekend, making his job as head of security more difficult.
“It’s my job to scare away the bad guys.” Dax sipped his water, keeping his eyes on his team installing the new camera setup at the gates. They’d be able to see the guests’ arrival from the main house if needed and buzz the gates open. It would lessen the manpower necessary for the entrance at night, but it also presented Dax with a new worry that someone could wiggle their way into the resort undetected.
“Every guest coming this weekend has been vetted by you and your guys. I really don’t think you’d let any bad guys in. Besides, it’s supposed to be a fun weekend,” Kara pointed out and took a small sip of her own water. “Maybe there’s another reason you’re looking so... intense?” she edged.
Dax eyed her quietly for a minute. “I don’t like surprises, and having an event geared to new guests can lead to surprises.” He’d had enough of those.
Kara blew out a long breath. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you took the job, but I was sort of hoping—well, it’s been two months, Dax—”
Dax shoved his bottle back at Kara. “If that’s what you’re playing at, Kara, you can just go back up to the house.”
Kara took the beer. “Don’t get all grouchy on me. I’m just saying, maybe it’s time to talk to her.”
“Go back up to the house,” Dax said. “Devin’s calling you.”
Kara frowned. “He is not. You just don’t want to hear anything I have to say.”
“If you want to talk about the security system, I’m all ears. But if you want to talk about Erika, I’m not listening. That’s over and done with.”
Kara sighed. “Really? Then you’re going to come out of your cabin this weekend for more than just work?”
“You’re pushing.”
When Trevor had called him a month ago to tell him about the security position opening at the resort, Dax didn’t think for longer than a second before accepting. Chicago had nothing to offer him anymore. Corbin was lost to the Persuccio family and Erika—she’d not been who he thought she was. Time away, a new start—it would get him through.
“I don’t think hiding is helping. I can see the difference in you, Dax. You were happy here with Erika. You had a lighter step—hell, you even smiled a few times. Now... you look like you could burst into a murderous rampage any minute. I’m worried.”
“I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine. We need to get this setup finished before people start arriving tomorrow.” He gestured toward the gate. “We’re secluded out here, but it also leaves us vulnerable in the back. The fencing should be finished this afternoon, and we’ll be installing the sensors next.”
Kara’s shoulders dropped, and she let out another long sigh. “Sounds good.” She held out the bottle of water to him again. “It’s hot. Take this.”
He grabbed it again and gave her a curt nod. “Thanks. Do you have the schedule ready for me yet?” He changed the subject, diving back into work would get his mind away from the topic dancing in the back of his mind. The dark spot that lured him in late at night and pounded his chest until he could barely breathe from the weight of it.
“Yeah, I’ll email it to you when I get back up to the house. That reminds me, the air conditioner is acting up again, so the heating and cooling guy is coming. He should be here this afternoon.”
Dax nodded. “Got it.”
“Oh, and a small group has requested to block off the medical play area tonight for a scene they want to do. I said it wasn’t a problem.”
Dax’s jaw tensed. “I’ll get it done.” Last-minute requests weren’t unusual at the resort, but he didn’t like them.
“You worry too much.” Kara shook her head.
“Of course he does. It’s his job.” Devin walked up to them, eyeing his wife.
“I didn’t realize you were back from town already.” Kara glanced at the gate. “Maybe we are defenseless, and anyone can sneak in from anywhere.”
Dax shook his head.
“I never left, Peaches. I’m heading out now. Maybe you should come, too.” Devin smiled.
“I can’t. I have to finish finalizing a few things before the weekend guests arrive.” Kara pressed a kiss on her husband’s cheek. “And the housekeeping crew wanted a conversation. I think they want hazmat suits after having to deal with that golden shower player last week.”
“Make sure they have everything they need. I don’t want anyone having to deal with stuff like that without protection.” Devin pointed at her.
She laughed. “I know. I know. I’m going, see you later.” She kissed him once more and made her way back up to the main house, swinging her bottle of water at her side.